"look at what's just flown in" states BI ONLINE...yes, that's a good title to begin the 'next bit with'....
....two examples....firstly CF at st clare's - see previous notes upon that 'hen harrier' flying into the refectory....and my reaction? "it's beautiful and it wants a date...but omg....keep it away...NO!...NO!...keep calm, emily....act naturally - do not make an unnecessary move - it's got its beady eye upon you....and it is eyeing you up as if you were a little mouse...so tell it that you are a 'tiger' on the quiet...that'll make it think twice - or confuse it, at any rate" etc etc..."yes, i am really just a quiet old 'cautious chinese tiger'....eyeing up a silly bird, which has just flown in and interrupted my repast....offer it the 'viennese whirl'" etc etc....
and the second example?...israeli intelligence and those 'silly birds'?.....a difficult one to explain but anyway...let us begin with 'the whole of israel' in relation to the abrahamic religions and sects, that live in and around the old city of jerusalem....jewish, muslim, christian etc....the satanic zionists had planned to blow up the old city of jerusalem - they haven't managed it yet but they will keep on trying....in order to rebuild the entire city - and devote it to their 'god' lucifer.
.....some of those 'silly birds' have invested a huge amount of money in a 'country without natural resources' i.e. israel...and the country is dependent upon that input....the unfortunate point is that most of that money is coming in from the demonic ashkenazim....i.e. those who call themselves joos....but 'at the same time', they are those, that the state of israel does not recognise as joos (for example david beckham - who calls himself a joo -and has even gone so far as to call himself 'orthodox' in terms of his family)....do you see what i am getting at here?
....see previous notes upon the satanic ashkenazim and their mission to bring in armageddon....zionist plans, that had been set, at least over a century ago....plans that had begun in earnest - in 1913, if mark r 'had had his finger on the button' at the time - see previous notes....I.e. the beginning of the whole zionist armageddon project....
so what do you do, as israelis? faced with the above horror....well, it is simple...you have to choose between letting armageddon happen or fighting to stop it...that simple....but very complicated indeed, as an operation....see previous notes upon that 'ashkenazim bankers' satanic temple of gold' underneath NY....and 9/11.....that had been the first step, hadn't it? not that anybody believes what i am saying....because i haven't seen one other blogger 'repeat what i have said' about 9/11 upon the internet...not one - odd that.....perhaps they all prefer david icke's theorums - in relation to 'dimensions' and those 'interdimensional space lizards' that live in buckingham palace....and to be honest - that is much more 'fun', isn't it?
theorums....the 'o' rums....a 'rum' sort of character etc etc...who was programmed with 'that one' then?
oh i see...we are digging up your programming again...andrew parker....i might add to the list 'miss marples-who-has-lost-her-marbles'....'andrew-parker-who-loves-his-board-market-and-markers'....as well as 'sandtoe....santo....send-to-santa'.....and not forgetting the 'camel's toe'...."you are now home-o-sexual"........'sandtoe-santo-santa'.....go figure. "paedophile programming - we had warned him about it" replies MI5 ONLINE...yes, well let us hope that we are 'just in time' and that it hasn't kicked in, yet. "we've got him in a padded cell, for his own safety"...the right place to be...until this has all been cleared up.
what else?
well, this morning i was to remember warwick university 1996-7....i now 'get' why the 'intelligent' had started up 'cultural studies' in the 70s and at birmingham university....and as a consequence....'cultural studies' had begun to concentrate upon analysing popular culture (because historically - all of the clues had been laid, there - hadn't they?)....i also 'get' why a japanese friend had talked to me about her MA course in 'children's literature' .....and i can remember now...saying to sally tallant, that if she could possibly attend that course...it was the most important one of all, to learn about.....in all of the arts subjects on offer, at the time. nicholas serota was to agree....they already knew that digging up childhood programming was really important, during deprogramming....but perhaps there was more to it, than they had originally thought? lots and lots of it, eh?
'BIBI THE SHEEP' was a hard one to dig up...so many 'layers of the onion'....
...and all i can add to the above, today...is the following note upon the 'timer system'....
remember 'be bop beleulah'?
....remember THE BAY CITY ROLLERS?
"we can't sing 'bibi'....that's not scottish...isn't it enough that...."
...remember that number 1 hit in the 70s? 'BYE BYE BABY, BABY GOODBYE...'?
....it was originally written as a joke around 'bibi the sheep'.....the BBC worldservice and 'nationwide' slaves....oh and let me see....you had 'nationwide' chipped slaves in every country that the BBC had 'colonial offices'....manneke budimann, comes to mind - in indonesia....
"bye bye bibi, bibi goodbye...."
at warwick....1996-7....marina warner was to turn up...a publicity event and lecture...to advertise her new book...all about english/italian nursery rhymes....such as the one that she was to mention in her lecture..."rockaby baby..." sounds more like a threat....and a deadly one - than a lullaby, doesn't it - why?
....well it doesn't if you substitute BIBI for BABY...does it?
see previous notes upon 'owl alters'....and those like collie...tied to the bough of a tree...to be left there 'all night'....we were to free her from that ordeal...anyway....the owl and the flying bibi sheep....something of a 'mixture' there.....
see previous notes upon 'when the bough breaks'...'when the levy breaks'.....monty python's sketch about french robotic 'flying sheep'....and 'bye bye baby, baby goodbye'....be bop beleulah....do you see how it goes?
when i think back on it all...well, the GAF had both been programmed as 'bibi the sheep'....toddy was to alert me to the full consequences - along the lines of 'bibi the sheep'....you cannot really love a wolf in sheep's clothing...it is not possible....but you can love the little boy with his sheep's hat and bib on (because that is how young.....'little gill' had been)...looking at you with 'big startled eyes'....communicating 'what the ****?' as that satanic transmission records upon chip, on the lo-side of the tape.....the troll side.
....and you then look at daldry...as US intelligence were to do...in an MOD lab...telling his mates that it was a shame that those like myself would have to die...you see, once the british royals had found out 'enough' to take control of the entire situation again...it would be 'biznez as usual'....see previous notes upon my early childhood visit to buckingham palace....'alice at the palace'.....being shown into a hall...where the other children - those who had arrived earlier...well, not many of them were conscious by that point in time....hung upside down from a horizontal bar, towards the end of that hall....'dead' to all intents and purposes....and some of them might have been...for all the nazi british royal family cared....'the weakest to the wall' eh?
....and the above has to be stopped hasn't it? the british royals have not given an inch...and they show no signs of doing so...they continue to mkultra program 'wherever they can'....if they can get away with it...
....and so it all has to end, somehow - doesn't it?
...and it has to end, as quickly as possible.
'they're changing guards at buckingham palace, said alice'.
Tuesday, 3 November 2015
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