Monday, 2 November 2015

walter George alton and the 'puma man', gill...your note upon the timer system...looks a bit like beckham in the poster, doesn't he?

and what happens in the end? looks like a great film....
"Kobras escapes through a trapdoor and to a helicopter. Tony catches up to him, and with some deft aerial maneuvering, manages to throw out the pilot and crash the chopper with Kobras inside. With the world safe, Vadinho, Tony and Jane head to Stonehenge with the mask. Vadinho summons the aliens with his amulet, and before joining them to return the mask to the Andes, he tells Tony to look for him when it is time to train his son to be the next Pumaman. The film ends as Tony flies into the air with Jane and embraces her."

Stonehenge? there was a photo of that 'in the fog' too....

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