Monday, 2 November 2015

and the salt-I-cid-ae?

oh that reminds me....the raisins and the sultanas....the raisas and the sonias.....

....."the REASONS and the INSULTS" as mark r was to quip....

sul/sel/sol....tanyas....who knows....

the RAZORS and the SONY....I remember now....

anyway, the ICT...that's certainly something to put on your CV...."and how long have you been a member of the invertebrate conservation trust?....what do you do there, exactly?"

oh I remember now ...'better get your story straight' before somebody asks you 'that one' again because people are generally dissatisfied with "well we collect bugs and we look at them" they want to know more....

anyway, the CID might find 'some of their stuff' in situ there....a reminder to go and pick it up?

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