Wednesday 2 January 2013

i have just had a look at my photos of the buddhas....and realised - as i had done in the shop but decided to let it pass...that there is in fact, no difference between the buddha at the back of the shop and the one in the window even though the woman had called the one in the shop window the LAUGHING BUDDHA and the one at the back the SITTING would have been 'wrong' to argue the toss in the shop...i 'knew' that....

so why was the woman 'confused' about that number?

"we call that one the SITTING BUDDHA" she had informed me.

why sitting? was she talking about context? something about context and location because both buddhas were entirely the same...from the same mold....

it will be 'context' won't it?

remember that M&S bag with the ENGAGEMENT RING and the BIRD?

look at the ENGAGEMENT RING/BIRD by the 'buddha in the window'....

now look at the buddha in the back of the shop.....

MR BIRD and MR ANGELINE...the two rothschild brothers....

the prague rothschild is 'at home' with his red roses....

whilst his brother is in the 'shop window' and by an 'engagment ring'....

so the two of them had been played off, by the royals...made to fight...and i would guess that the one with the 'engagment ring'....well that could mean two things...'in debt to the royals' having to pay back for an imaginary engagement ring...or in possession of  a key and a desk which controlled 'nuclear warheads' - see previous notes upon what these 'engagement rings' stood for, in prague, narodini street....under the BC and that bank....


the word carries the meaning of having been 'gagged' by the royals...

Anyway, the 'black buddha' in PDSA - was £45....a bit dearer....

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