i will therefore go back onto ALTERVISTA for a while....
i will be posting on ALTERVISTA from now on, until BLOGGER gets its act together again.
Thursday, 3 January 2013
AUBERGINES has now come up.....
at ESSEX UNIVERSITY.....people were to tell me that 'aubergines' were the trendiest vegetable out.....everybody had cooked with them....
i had no idea what that was about....aubergines? i hadn't seen anybody cook with them.....
until years later on - about 5 years later on....sarah holliday had baked two halves of an aubergine in silver foil.....firstly she had poured olive oil onto each half.....a bit of salt, that was all.....about 1/2 hour later....it was so soft and delicious....you wouldn't believe.....she was to tell me 'aubergines soak up olive oil'.....
so my question here is now, who were the mafia gang who had programmed themselves in as AUBERGINES?
l'auberge....the FARM....it is a CIA reference.....my father had told me mistakenly - but perhaps not....don't you know that L'AUBERGE means 'the farm'?
this was at a london restaurant that EDWARD GYDE had all taken us to - in the 80s....and of course, despite earning far more than my father - he had expected 'his dad' to pay the bill.....for everybody at that table - including helen etc.
L'AUBERGE eh ed?
you are the one who should be 'bright red in shame' and not donna.....who was bright-red faced this morning....for 'doing something' but i am not clear what, as yet.....
L'AUBERGE and the 'inn'....my father had told me that this was a 'lesser meaning'....the 'inn'....
oh i remember now....the SOULLESS YUPPIES.....'i'm in with the in crowd - i go where the soulless yuppies/stunted go'.....
to have a really 'boring time' amongst your own brainless species - inquires gill?
oooh - it would make me want to kill myself - don't you pity them? on drugs the whole time - to buoy themselves up.....the lack of reality and real, interesting conversation....wouldn't that send most people 'off their loop'?
'the inn crowd'
'the incrowd'....well as it turned out....it was more GREEN TOWER than AUBERGINES wasn't it?
"we've got a RUNWAY OF TALKIN'" well that has got to be the ROTHSCHILDs, hasn't it?
"sweating cash making trash"
and as the OBAMAS were to say and everybody in the CIA LAB agreed - with the two most gorgeous black women out....what a video....i can remember MARK R breathing 'i wish we had made that - before our time'....
what he meant was 'before his time'...GREEN TOWER had already produced THE BEATLES and DAVID BOWIE....
at ESSEX UNIVERSITY.....people were to tell me that 'aubergines' were the trendiest vegetable out.....everybody had cooked with them....
i had no idea what that was about....aubergines? i hadn't seen anybody cook with them.....
until years later on - about 5 years later on....sarah holliday had baked two halves of an aubergine in silver foil.....firstly she had poured olive oil onto each half.....a bit of salt, that was all.....about 1/2 hour later....it was so soft and delicious....you wouldn't believe.....she was to tell me 'aubergines soak up olive oil'.....
so my question here is now, who were the mafia gang who had programmed themselves in as AUBERGINES?
l'auberge....the FARM....it is a CIA reference.....my father had told me mistakenly - but perhaps not....don't you know that L'AUBERGE means 'the farm'?
this was at a london restaurant that EDWARD GYDE had all taken us to - in the 80s....and of course, despite earning far more than my father - he had expected 'his dad' to pay the bill.....for everybody at that table - including helen etc.
L'AUBERGE eh ed?
you are the one who should be 'bright red in shame' and not donna.....who was bright-red faced this morning....for 'doing something' but i am not clear what, as yet.....
L'AUBERGE and the 'inn'....my father had told me that this was a 'lesser meaning'....the 'inn'....
oh i remember now....the SOULLESS YUPPIES.....'i'm in with the in crowd - i go where the soulless yuppies/stunted go'.....
to have a really 'boring time' amongst your own brainless species - inquires gill?
oooh - it would make me want to kill myself - don't you pity them? on drugs the whole time - to buoy themselves up.....the lack of reality and real, interesting conversation....wouldn't that send most people 'off their loop'?
'the inn crowd'
'the incrowd'....well as it turned out....it was more GREEN TOWER than AUBERGINES wasn't it?
"we've got a RUNWAY OF TALKIN'" well that has got to be the ROTHSCHILDs, hasn't it?
"sweating cash making trash"
and as the OBAMAS were to say and everybody in the CIA LAB agreed - with the two most gorgeous black women out....what a video....i can remember MARK R breathing 'i wish we had made that - before our time'....
what he meant was 'before his time'...GREEN TOWER had already produced THE BEATLES and DAVID BOWIE....
bizarrely enough, i am still tracking and tracing the 'soulless yuppies' who were supposed to be in this flat - as their 'base' at this point in time....
they were supposed to have had a 'wine-tasting session'....and in the evening a 'vodka session'....and i kid you not....most of them were slightly alarmed by jeremy's command of so many 'evocative' RUSSIAN USSR songs.....who had implanted them into his brain - i bet he doesn't remember them, nowadays....a bit like paul dews at dartington....who didn't even think that he could play the guitar....never mind go through the whole 'ensemble' of the dooh dah band....see previous notes.
bizarrely enough, i am still tracking and tracing the 'soulless yuppies' who were supposed to be in this flat - as their 'base' at this point in time....
they were supposed to have had a 'wine-tasting session'....and in the evening a 'vodka session'....and i kid you not....most of them were slightly alarmed by jeremy's command of so many 'evocative' RUSSIAN USSR songs.....who had implanted them into his brain - i bet he doesn't remember them, nowadays....a bit like paul dews at dartington....who didn't even think that he could play the guitar....never mind go through the whole 'ensemble' of the dooh dah band....see previous notes.
this morning was a mixed bag...but mainly it was about KERRY PACKER...and i am sure that the british press used to call him that...on the backpage sports news...so many headlines as packer was involved in another scandal...and yet now wiki is reporting that his name was TERRY....how odd...
i can only explain the above as follows:
SP following their confrontation and 'overthrowal' of PACKER on English turf....just out of his helicopter, see previous notes...bouncing his yellow tennis ball....well, they might have found out that his real name was terry...and that perhaps he had come from kerry, ireland? the irish roots thing...the'wizards' in packer's court were the VIZARD family from downunder...also with irish roots....and of course there will have been a large dollop of RUSSIAN in the mix, somewhere...why do i say that?
because this morning i remembered a bit more about what had happened in that TROY encounter....i was with the RED TEAM at the time - which had not only comprised of the prague rothschild team but also rik's team....donna and shirley were present....so what happened?
we were told that we had to make money to put russia back on its feet again....but the entirety of the prague rothschild team were to disagree....to refute that one....and i exclaimed something along the lines of 'after all of the money you have stolen from me? and you are going to continue? no way....'
you see, if you thought that the mafia who had abducted and drugged us - to take us to that programming location- along with their insane 'green door jokes' - were going to give ANY money at all, to the russian poor....well, you've got to be joking haven't you?
you are abducted, drugged - put under mind control...given insane crap around 'le cave' and chemical orange juice and you are then asked to believe that these people are concerned about the poor of russia? pull the other one....
in short, if the ill cult say that they are 'doing it for a good cause'...what they mean is 'to line our own pockets'...and that will be true of anybody who kidnaps/tortures/uses mind control techniques....it is not an honourable or noble 'calling' is it? i.e. they are not working for OXFAM/SCOPE etc are they?....
and if they are working for a well-known charity - report them to the police, immediately.
anyway, what happened next? donna immediately said that it was 'fair' and that she would work to support RUSSIA....RIK said that it was a 'difficult number'....but eventually his team all went with donna....shirley then pulled me to one side...and as the prague rothschild team were led into another room for 'disagreeing' ..... all of them following matt, like little ducklings....she whispered 'don't go'...so i then said 'i've changed my mind'...
what was to happen to those in that room?
they were to be met by BAGLEY who told them that they had to work out a way to murder me - secretly....because otherwise i would destroy his whole organisation....he was in contact with 'god' as he called it....
tracked and traced...BAGLEY was praying to his SKY GOD....who was none other than PACKER. So if you want to know who used to control RUPERT MURDOCH by a frequency desk - and the whole of the SKY network....it had been PACKER.
BAGLEY was up it, to the nth degree - wasn't he?
'chinchilla rabbit' replies BI ONLINE...this was something around 'chin-chill-a'.....apparently obama like black and white, chinchilla rabbits....and i had been told to project that, around him...his wife also used 'that number'....
i have some strange images back of a 'packer crew' - getting obama under control and putting a thin silver bar through his top lip....they were discovered and then fled....broke the windows of his CIA office and jumped out (the door had been secured from the outside - before security had managed to get there)....
Anyway, what was to happen this morning? i suppose that it was all about the PACKER crew again....i saw 'one of them' in sainsbury's carpark and walked in front of him with my bike....his older partner (mother?) was to say 'she hadn't seen you'.....meaning what? he wasn't going to give way and i had 'right of way'....he had to stop and wait....that had annoyed him....
the next one was a man upon a dark red electronic buggy...wearing a BLACK RUSSIAN FURRY HAT...unmistakeable...you wouldn't wear that if you didn't have some russian affiliation....
and this was completely funny....i had cycled to the junction where west avenue meets ellis road....to take up my proper place for 'turning right' to the right of west avenue in order to turn down ellis road and continue to TRAVELODGE drive and then decided to get off my bike as i slowed down at the junction - get onto the pavement and walk....
i do not like that junction - it is a dangerous one....and BESIDES - i had three cars behind me, at the time....all of which had 'moved in' within less than a minute behind me - upon that last stretch of 50 yards or less - of west avenue and within seconds....and cars tend to take that particular junction 'fast'...
and i think that i can 'guess why'...psychologically - they have all 'not stopped' at a double broken line - beforehand - the one at the beginning of that 'last leg' - the last 50 yards of WEST AVENUE before the junction...
it is an oddity to see a car actually 'stop' there in order to obey traffic rules.....because you can 'see for miles' at that point....no car is coming - why bother to actually stop at a junction? i have never seen a vehicle picked up for doing so....
anyway, i then looked to my immediate left to see 'crazy russian hat guy' on his buggy....who had proceeded to zoom across west avenue at that junction, IN FRONT OF ALL OF THE CARS and i was 'in his way' upon the pavement - i.e. i wasn't walking quickly enough to get out of his way....and i was walking really rapidly at the time....far more quickly than most people on pavements in clacton....he shouted at me....
i wondered how much vodka he had drunk, that morning....at least he wasn't 'using the roads' as one guy upon an electronic buggy does, sometimes....
what am i tracking and tracing here?
"if you want CRAZY...the russians are really CRAZY" replies BI ONLINE.
and one more 'crazy person' to note...a bit of a HEATHER KEMPSON this one...but more likely to be an EGI....a rather strange woman who had seen me take a photo of the job centre and then the new BARBER'S SHOP on STATION ROAD....
the woman had SHOUTED on the street:
"WHO IS SHE?" in a really aggressive and threatening way....
so another russian-ussr style 'EGI' then....who doesn't appear to know that taking photos in the UK is not an 'offence'....
so i took a photo of her too....
i had triggered yet another 'warning system' for the EGI....'get her' before she disappears and she will do fast....possibly another 'masterchip' put in by putin - to survey from the 'bottom up'.....
she turned tail, with her partner and then literally ran for it....
now the camera that i own - the one that transmits images back to SP....either at the MET or 'wherever else they have offices'....is a small silver one, see previous notes....it is very similar to the ones that traffic wardens get out....now and then.
i am reminded of FRANCO ZECHHIN and his group's photography school to encourage children to use a camera and not a gun....to encourage them NOT to join the mafia....learn how to take photographs and to use those photos, in order to campaign peacefully....do not buy a gun to 'sort things out'...
SP were online to tell me 'strike a pose'....MADONNA's popsong.....most people have an inbuilt reaction to cameras...almost 'pavlovian dog'...they either 'wannabe famous and strike a pose' or they run for it - hiding their face....
so a camera is a 'threat' in a way...almost like a gun - within a social/public area....it depends upon which way you see it, doesn't it?
it controls people's behaviour, to an extent....they tend to go 'on their best behaviour' or disappear rapidly....
now, having been through outing that EGI boss of the pavilions.....that USSR mentality....born of 'growing up in the USSR somewhere but now posing as an Englishman'....the man who figured that you couldn't take shots of a FREE entertainment site by the pier....unless you had 'asked for permission - from himself, beforehand'....you see how it goes?
it is a holiday site....there is no 'toll' to pay - in order to walk through that seafront maze of fairground attractions.....and no children were around at the time....i was taking photos of the effing SITE and its ATTRACTIONS....and that EGI slave was to threaten me, for doing so...how funny is that? of course i was terribly polite in response, mocking him in a way....etc etc....see previous notes.
'buy a camera not a gun' - that was the sicillian message to their youth....you can get a lot more things done, in the long run....
would a mobile phone act the same way? if you were taking photos with that?
i do not know....the cia lab had mobiles which didn't show a red light 'on' when taking movies or photos.....so that is for really 'undercover footage'....not the type of equipment to 'keep you safe' on the streets....
because if people don't know that you are 'taking them'....well they figure that you can be threatened....
and other cia equipment?
well i can only cite the 'badge upon SC's hat' in london....that was so undercover....a hidden camera...that even the royals didn't manage to pick up on it....see previous notes in relation to him 'getting' the prague rothschild as 'MR OAK' at that point in time....
i can only explain the above as follows:
SP following their confrontation and 'overthrowal' of PACKER on English turf....just out of his helicopter, see previous notes...bouncing his yellow tennis ball....well, they might have found out that his real name was terry...and that perhaps he had come from kerry, ireland? the irish roots thing...the'wizards' in packer's court were the VIZARD family from downunder...also with irish roots....and of course there will have been a large dollop of RUSSIAN in the mix, somewhere...why do i say that?
because this morning i remembered a bit more about what had happened in that TROY encounter....i was with the RED TEAM at the time - which had not only comprised of the prague rothschild team but also rik's team....donna and shirley were present....so what happened?
we were told that we had to make money to put russia back on its feet again....but the entirety of the prague rothschild team were to disagree....to refute that one....and i exclaimed something along the lines of 'after all of the money you have stolen from me? and you are going to continue? no way....'
you see, if you thought that the mafia who had abducted and drugged us - to take us to that programming location- along with their insane 'green door jokes' - were going to give ANY money at all, to the russian poor....well, you've got to be joking haven't you?
you are abducted, drugged - put under mind control...given insane crap around 'le cave' and chemical orange juice and you are then asked to believe that these people are concerned about the poor of russia? pull the other one....
in short, if the ill cult say that they are 'doing it for a good cause'...what they mean is 'to line our own pockets'...and that will be true of anybody who kidnaps/tortures/uses mind control techniques....it is not an honourable or noble 'calling' is it? i.e. they are not working for OXFAM/SCOPE etc are they?....
and if they are working for a well-known charity - report them to the police, immediately.
anyway, what happened next? donna immediately said that it was 'fair' and that she would work to support RUSSIA....RIK said that it was a 'difficult number'....but eventually his team all went with donna....shirley then pulled me to one side...and as the prague rothschild team were led into another room for 'disagreeing' ..... all of them following matt, like little ducklings....she whispered 'don't go'...so i then said 'i've changed my mind'...
what was to happen to those in that room?
they were to be met by BAGLEY who told them that they had to work out a way to murder me - secretly....because otherwise i would destroy his whole organisation....he was in contact with 'god' as he called it....
tracked and traced...BAGLEY was praying to his SKY GOD....who was none other than PACKER. So if you want to know who used to control RUPERT MURDOCH by a frequency desk - and the whole of the SKY network....it had been PACKER.
BAGLEY was up it, to the nth degree - wasn't he?
'chinchilla rabbit' replies BI ONLINE...this was something around 'chin-chill-a'.....apparently obama like black and white, chinchilla rabbits....and i had been told to project that, around him...his wife also used 'that number'....
i have some strange images back of a 'packer crew' - getting obama under control and putting a thin silver bar through his top lip....they were discovered and then fled....broke the windows of his CIA office and jumped out (the door had been secured from the outside - before security had managed to get there)....
Anyway, what was to happen this morning? i suppose that it was all about the PACKER crew again....i saw 'one of them' in sainsbury's carpark and walked in front of him with my bike....his older partner (mother?) was to say 'she hadn't seen you'.....meaning what? he wasn't going to give way and i had 'right of way'....he had to stop and wait....that had annoyed him....
the next one was a man upon a dark red electronic buggy...wearing a BLACK RUSSIAN FURRY HAT...unmistakeable...you wouldn't wear that if you didn't have some russian affiliation....
and this was completely funny....i had cycled to the junction where west avenue meets ellis road....to take up my proper place for 'turning right' to the right of west avenue in order to turn down ellis road and continue to TRAVELODGE drive and then decided to get off my bike as i slowed down at the junction - get onto the pavement and walk....
i do not like that junction - it is a dangerous one....and BESIDES - i had three cars behind me, at the time....all of which had 'moved in' within less than a minute behind me - upon that last stretch of 50 yards or less - of west avenue and within seconds....and cars tend to take that particular junction 'fast'...
and i think that i can 'guess why'...psychologically - they have all 'not stopped' at a double broken line - beforehand - the one at the beginning of that 'last leg' - the last 50 yards of WEST AVENUE before the junction...
it is an oddity to see a car actually 'stop' there in order to obey traffic rules.....because you can 'see for miles' at that point....no car is coming - why bother to actually stop at a junction? i have never seen a vehicle picked up for doing so....
anyway, i then looked to my immediate left to see 'crazy russian hat guy' on his buggy....who had proceeded to zoom across west avenue at that junction, IN FRONT OF ALL OF THE CARS and i was 'in his way' upon the pavement - i.e. i wasn't walking quickly enough to get out of his way....and i was walking really rapidly at the time....far more quickly than most people on pavements in clacton....he shouted at me....
i wondered how much vodka he had drunk, that morning....at least he wasn't 'using the roads' as one guy upon an electronic buggy does, sometimes....
what am i tracking and tracing here?
"if you want CRAZY...the russians are really CRAZY" replies BI ONLINE.
and one more 'crazy person' to note...a bit of a HEATHER KEMPSON this one...but more likely to be an EGI....a rather strange woman who had seen me take a photo of the job centre and then the new BARBER'S SHOP on STATION ROAD....
the woman had SHOUTED on the street:
"WHO IS SHE?" in a really aggressive and threatening way....
so another russian-ussr style 'EGI' then....who doesn't appear to know that taking photos in the UK is not an 'offence'....
so i took a photo of her too....
i had triggered yet another 'warning system' for the EGI....'get her' before she disappears and she will do fast....possibly another 'masterchip' put in by putin - to survey from the 'bottom up'.....
she turned tail, with her partner and then literally ran for it....
now the camera that i own - the one that transmits images back to SP....either at the MET or 'wherever else they have offices'....is a small silver one, see previous notes....it is very similar to the ones that traffic wardens get out....now and then.
i am reminded of FRANCO ZECHHIN and his group's photography school to encourage children to use a camera and not a gun....to encourage them NOT to join the mafia....learn how to take photographs and to use those photos, in order to campaign peacefully....do not buy a gun to 'sort things out'...
SP were online to tell me 'strike a pose'....MADONNA's popsong.....most people have an inbuilt reaction to cameras...almost 'pavlovian dog'...they either 'wannabe famous and strike a pose' or they run for it - hiding their face....
so a camera is a 'threat' in a way...almost like a gun - within a social/public area....it depends upon which way you see it, doesn't it?
it controls people's behaviour, to an extent....they tend to go 'on their best behaviour' or disappear rapidly....
now, having been through outing that EGI boss of the pavilions.....that USSR mentality....born of 'growing up in the USSR somewhere but now posing as an Englishman'....the man who figured that you couldn't take shots of a FREE entertainment site by the pier....unless you had 'asked for permission - from himself, beforehand'....you see how it goes?
it is a holiday site....there is no 'toll' to pay - in order to walk through that seafront maze of fairground attractions.....and no children were around at the time....i was taking photos of the effing SITE and its ATTRACTIONS....and that EGI slave was to threaten me, for doing so...how funny is that? of course i was terribly polite in response, mocking him in a way....etc etc....see previous notes.
'buy a camera not a gun' - that was the sicillian message to their youth....you can get a lot more things done, in the long run....
would a mobile phone act the same way? if you were taking photos with that?
i do not know....the cia lab had mobiles which didn't show a red light 'on' when taking movies or photos.....so that is for really 'undercover footage'....not the type of equipment to 'keep you safe' on the streets....
because if people don't know that you are 'taking them'....well they figure that you can be threatened....
and other cia equipment?
well i can only cite the 'badge upon SC's hat' in london....that was so undercover....a hidden camera...that even the royals didn't manage to pick up on it....see previous notes in relation to him 'getting' the prague rothschild as 'MR OAK' at that point in time....
wait a minute, i sense a pisstake here and by the british army/sas....
effing agent Ks.....
and it is basically poisonous.
wait a minute, i sense a pisstake here and by the british army/sas....
effing agent Ks.....
and it is basically poisonous.
funnily enough it looks like it might be good for you - unlike the rest of the ingredients:
Quillaia is the milled inner bark or small stems and branches of the soapbark (Quillaja saponaria, Molina). Other names include China bark extract, Murillo bark extract, Panama bark extract, Quillai extract, Quillaia extract, Quillay bark extract, and Soapbark extract. It contains a high concentration of saponins which is increased by processing; highly purifed quillaia is used to enhance vaccines. Other compounds in the extract include tannins and other polyphenols, and calcium oxalate. It is listed as an ingredient in root beer and cream soda.
The extract of quillaia is used in the manufacture of food additives (E number 999). It is used as a humectant in baked goods, frozen dairy products, and puddings and as a foaming agent in soft drinks. It is also applied in some "natural" spray adjuvant formulations for agriculture.
In particular, the saponins from Quillaja saponaria are used in veterinary vaccines as adjuvant (e.g., foot-and-mouth disease vaccines, helping to enhance the immune response). Initially the crude fraction was used. Later on a purified mixture, called Quil A was developed by Dalsgaard which was more effective and caused less local side reactions. Still Quil A is a mixture of more than 25 different saponin molecules. One of them, the saponin QS21, is being investigated for possible beneficial adjuvant effects on the human immune system.
as far as i can remember it was the army/sas who had decided to 'out' this one...i do not know if it is a 'joke' or not...but it looks like paint/paintstripper to me:
Well Folks its finally here. Creamola foam the way you remember it.
It comes in the wee silver tin with the old label with the wee boy and girl.
Flavour is now better than ever and so so foamy!
Comes in 10 amazing flavours:
Even great for a hangover or have been told to make Vodka Shots.
Its such great fun to make and tastes amazing.
Give it a try and lets get foamy.
The reason the Kramola is this price as there is an extract called quillaia and has to be imported from America so rather costly.
Product Description
Creamola Foam 100g Tin
Price for tin and 100g of creamola foamWell Folks its finally here. Creamola foam the way you remember it.
It comes in the wee silver tin with the old label with the wee boy and girl.
Flavour is now better than ever and so so foamy!
Comes in 10 amazing flavours:
- Orange, Pineapple
- Lemon, Iron Brew
- Lime, Blackcurrant
- Raspberry, Strwberry
- Cola, Cherry
Even great for a hangover or have been told to make Vodka Shots.
Its such great fun to make and tastes amazing.
Give it a try and lets get foamy.
Sugar,bicarbonate of soda,tartaric acid E334,citric acid E330,potassium citrates E336, flavours; lime flavour,cherry,cola,raspberry,cherry,lemon,orange,pineapple,blackcurrant,strawberry,green E142,Saccharin E414,Acacia gum E110,E122,,riboflavin E101,quillaia extract,sunset yellow E999,carmosine E999,The reason the Kramola is this price as there is an extract called quillaia and has to be imported from America so rather costly.
Creamola Foam 100g Tin
drink-bolero - whose idea was that?
the prague rothschild team - who had added the BLOODSUCKING WORM to their 'fruit basket' - see previous notes upon that ESTEE LAUDER ad....and the conflation of grapes/olives....
i now understand why SP had laughed so much yesterday - after that 'bloodsucking worm' reference...they had laughed even more - at the above photograph - having seen it for the first time...
drink-bolero - whose idea was that?
the prague rothschild team - who had added the BLOODSUCKING WORM to their 'fruit basket' - see previous notes upon that ESTEE LAUDER ad....and the conflation of grapes/olives....
i now understand why SP had laughed so much yesterday - after that 'bloodsucking worm' reference...they had laughed even more - at the above photograph - having seen it for the first time...
what an informative site....
i can remember my mother stopping my father from buying 'rise and shine' because it tasted nothing like real oranges....
a comment above tells me that it made you 'hyper' if you drank too much of it...yes i can remember some children had 'nasty experiences' - having drunk too much of it....
and army rations?
what an informative site....
i can remember my mother stopping my father from buying 'rise and shine' because it tasted nothing like real oranges....
a comment above tells me that it made you 'hyper' if you drank too much of it...yes i can remember some children had 'nasty experiences' - having drunk too much of it....
and army rations?
anyway, i can remember now...mark r was to tell the prague rothschild group that they were supposed to be making money for RUSSIA ....because the west had destroyed it....CIT-RU-AID...
italian intelligence also had the building under surveillance and were to track and trace the 'move' to a building almost directly behind...
this one, as far as i can remember.....yes i remember now...on freaking news, david beckham had put up a ONE-EYED poster with TUFT....to show you what he had been programmed with...the aerial view....
many people had been programmed there as GOLLUMS....
mark r had greeted them outside with 'welcome to the CAVE' - which bemused most...what he had meant was the french for the CELLAR....'la salle' is a room....'le cave' is the cellar....so something nasty going on in the cellar....
this one, as far as i can remember.....yes i remember now...on freaking news, david beckham had put up a ONE-EYED poster with TUFT....to show you what he had been programmed with...the aerial view....
many people had been programmed there as GOLLUMS....
mark r had greeted them outside with 'welcome to the CAVE' - which bemused most...what he had meant was the french for the CELLAR....'la salle' is a room....'le cave' is the cellar....so something nasty going on in the cellar....
Wednesday, 2 January 2013
i remember now...SP joking about the REDHEAD....in tandem with exposing 'cannibal chloe' yesterday and her REDHAT with 'teddybear ears'....look at the sign...a white face with a red tuft....
i can remember mark r saying that all of his programmed people in that UBS building...looked out at the prague rothschild's RED SPOT on the firestation every morning - as a programming device....
odd that...the prague rothschild had chosen the emblem upon the japanese flag....he also ran ADOBE which as a red spot as it's emblem....
i can remember mark r saying that all of his programmed people in that UBS building...looked out at the prague rothschild's RED SPOT on the firestation every morning - as a programming device....
odd that...the prague rothschild had chosen the emblem upon the japanese flag....he also ran ADOBE which as a red spot as it's emblem....
L. Mason Capitani, Inc.more infoAddress:
both in the same building then?

Placement on map is approximate
Area served: -
Unverified listing
both in the same building then?
oh i get it now....yesterday we had picked up on roberto de niro's 'god programming' as a buddha of the ill cult...they must have abducted him - whilst he was in the uk and then sent him off to thailand - in fact i know this to be true....
secondly i inadvertantly stumbled upon the 'black boy buddha' too....which was OBAMA's programming....
and therefore - we are looking at his STINGRAY programming in relation to the 'FED'....or the FIB as mark r, was to call it....
secondly i inadvertantly stumbled upon the 'black boy buddha' too....which was OBAMA's programming....
and therefore - we are looking at his STINGRAY programming in relation to the 'FED'....or the FIB as mark r, was to call it....
it reminds me of a MOTHERBOARD - the whole area....a computer motherboard....
M as in scarlett - was supposed to be 'mother'
dryboarding...waterboarding...i had no idea what they were supposed to mean - although the media refers to them as torture techniques used by military intelligence....
however in the context of the ill.....i 'get it' now....
dry torture means 'no blood' or bruising....
wet torture means 'lots of blood'....
and related to the (mother)board - as in microchip in question....
M as in scarlett - was supposed to be 'mother'
dryboarding...waterboarding...i had no idea what they were supposed to mean - although the media refers to them as torture techniques used by military intelligence....
however in the context of the ill.....i 'get it' now....
dry torture means 'no blood' or bruising....
wet torture means 'lots of blood'....
and related to the (mother)board - as in microchip in question....
a thought just occurred to me...mark r at hotelu asystencki...he had shown me his 'olive green' highly expensive 'banker's suit'...and his old 'fbi desk' plaque....when he had been the 'main man' at the WEST MIDLAND bank in the usa...or was it called the MIDDLE WEST bank ...and the biggest in the whole of the usa....
i laughed and said that there was a 'midland bank' in the west midlands too...he also laughed and said that they were not related....
although i wonder now...because KV had known about that number...the MIDLAND BANK had simply changed its name to the HSBC....
and perhaps MARK R had been lying about the US 'biggest bank'....perhaps all three were 'one and the same'?
let me have another think...
i get it now...the MIDWEST bank....'la salle'...well that sounds FRENCH doesn't it?
what is that french surname...lasselles...something along those lines....
so basically he was telling me in a coded way - that he had worked for the FED as in the STANDARD FEDERAL or would that be FEDERAL RESERVE before - rather than for the FBI...
i can remember mark r laughing about the 'two birminghams'...he knew the US one very well...and told me that the uk one was very important to him...he would take a holiday in the uk to specifically visit this city:
"In 1970, Birmingham Federal Savings (Michigan) merged with Standard Federal. Main offices were moved to Birmingham on Woodward Avenue near 16 Mile Road. Total assets in 1973 reached USD 1 billion. Also in 1973, Main offices were moved to a larger building in Troy at 2401 Big Beaver Road."
so you might like to search those offices for CRACK BONGS? or have they changed address?
SP online 'they've moved'...oh i see...you must have had them under surveillance for some time...
i know nothing about banking...but i wonder now...about the federal reserve and what obama's government may or may not have done to tackle the problem...mark r had programmed the main board behind the 'green baize door' to be crack addicts...and so something clearly had to be done...
THE BIG BEAVER reference is too good to miss, isn't it? the prague rothschild had been programmed as a BEAVER....
i laughed and said that there was a 'midland bank' in the west midlands too...he also laughed and said that they were not related....
although i wonder now...because KV had known about that number...the MIDLAND BANK had simply changed its name to the HSBC....
and perhaps MARK R had been lying about the US 'biggest bank'....perhaps all three were 'one and the same'?
let me have another think...
i get it now...the MIDWEST bank....'la salle'...well that sounds FRENCH doesn't it?
what is that french surname...lasselles...something along those lines....
so basically he was telling me in a coded way - that he had worked for the FED as in the STANDARD FEDERAL or would that be FEDERAL RESERVE before - rather than for the FBI...
i can remember mark r laughing about the 'two birminghams'...he knew the US one very well...and told me that the uk one was very important to him...he would take a holiday in the uk to specifically visit this city:
"In 1970, Birmingham Federal Savings (Michigan) merged with Standard Federal. Main offices were moved to Birmingham on Woodward Avenue near 16 Mile Road. Total assets in 1973 reached USD 1 billion. Also in 1973, Main offices were moved to a larger building in Troy at 2401 Big Beaver Road."
so you might like to search those offices for CRACK BONGS? or have they changed address?
SP online 'they've moved'...oh i see...you must have had them under surveillance for some time...
i know nothing about banking...but i wonder now...about the federal reserve and what obama's government may or may not have done to tackle the problem...mark r had programmed the main board behind the 'green baize door' to be crack addicts...and so something clearly had to be done...
THE BIG BEAVER reference is too good to miss, isn't it? the prague rothschild had been programmed as a BEAVER....
89 new comments at my altervista blog and a 'prettyboots' one:
Nwiazvrfcn prettyboot.com/ instance.confuselist@mail.ru |
Submitted on 2013/01/02 at 22:19
Elfvu [url=http://www.prettyboot.com/]ugg ???[/url] Basqp43Yauwj [url=http://www.prettyboot.com/]??? Ugg[/url] Eblht64 Mkurl [url=http://www.prettyboot.com/]?? ???[/url] Gwypl56 afda Qpsps [url=http://www.prettyboot.com/]ugg ??? ??[/url] Yreje64 Lswlz [url=http://www.prettyboot.com/]ugg ???????[/url] Tbqjq54 Lmvvy [url=http://www.prettyboot.com/]?? ???????[/url] Crcem76 Eqfjx [url=http://www.prettyboot.com/]ugg ??[/url] Lintp36 Lcrdt [url=http://www.prettyboot.com/]ugg ???[/url] Wdqyd18 Vbdpp [url=http://www.prettyboot.com/]?????????[/url] Lbrcn13 Cqbfq [url=http://www.prettyboot.com/]???????ugg[/url] Ogvox86 Exygx [url=http://www.prettyboot.com/]ugg ??[/url] Fcpwn61 Xrxqd [url=http://www.prettyboot.com/]ugg??[/url] Vgmzm83 Pzznd [url=http://www.prettyboot.com/]ugg ??????[/url] Wcwxt49 Uqwqx [url=http://www.prettyboot.com/]ugg ??? ??[/url] Ooydu81 Pxblw [url=http://www.prettyboot.com/]ugg ??? ??[/url] Qlngy38 Sbkjv [url=http://www.prettyboot.com/]ugg????????[/url] Pxuji43 Xvska [url=http://www.prettyboot.com/]ugg ???[/url] Wpljh69 Ntifk [url=http://www.prettyboot.com/]ugg ??????? ??[/url] Grixb86 Jwvpx [url=http://www.prettyboot.com/]ugg ??[/url] Ehozs52 Klfza http://www.prettyboot.com/ – ugg ??? Tbsbj88 Zkvfd http://www.prettyboot.com/ – ??? Ugg Wyste64 Xxypj http://www.prettyboot.com/ – ?? ??? Isivn91 Vgppb http://www.prettyboot.com/ – ugg ??? ?? Bzjbp34 Ryhvt http://www.prettyboot.com/ – ugg ??????? Htlki62 Lmuwv http://www.prettyboot.com/ – ?? ??????? Mkhqy55 Kiqxv http://www.prettyboot.com/ – ugg ?? Suatf86 Uhrvs http://www.prettyboot.com/ – ugg ??? Ddttr61 Vhlsy http://www.prettyboot.com/ – ????????? Fwhlo32 Plvfn http://www.prettyboot.com/ – ???????ugg Awzxk88 Qbjzy http://www.prettyboot.com/ – ugg ?? Csbbf17 Wqafw http://www.prettyboot.com/ – ugg?? Elwyz45 Wfufv http://www.prettyboot.com/ – ugg ?????? Zwviq71 Wswgu http://www.prettyboot.com/ – ugg ??? ?? Ctzey23 Sobjl http://www.prettyboot.com/ – ugg ??? ?? Lvvta49 Yscgi http://www.prettyboot.com/ – ugg???????? Njfkb68 Bfani http://www.prettyboot.com/ – ugg ??? Ervoy19 Vmebx http://www.prettyboot.com/ – ugg ??????? ?? Fqzek26 Nelgr http://www.prettyboot.com/ – ugg ?? Oyqvf86 |
i appear to be looking at a type of PINTO bean...speckled and pink....
CRANBERRY perhaps?
Let me see...that's what i saw in my dream....the italian beans that substitute for BORLOTTI:
Oh this makes me smile....'beans on the vine'....a bit like grapes in a way....
CRANBERRY perhaps?
Let me see...that's what i saw in my dream....the italian beans that substitute for BORLOTTI:
Oh this makes me smile....'beans on the vine'....a bit like grapes in a way....
and resistant to MOSAIC....the ill cult conflation of the cia and mossad...well that can only be a good thing...one doesn't want to be under the 'mind control' of either....or whatever 'mosaic' means - the british royals had introduced their mosaic 'just in time' jigsaw puzzle...having figured that i would never remember 'just in time' and end up dead, during this 13th one game....
i remember now...gill and i had been programmed as 'bellagro' by roberto de niro as a safety device...to get us through this game and to find out his 'laughing buddha' programming....
nikki was to add this image...to the end of a 'grapes' image search on google....
it was similar to the colours/fruits used in that estee lauder advertisement in the 70s....
the word GUAVA stands out to me...why?
last night i had an odd dream where i was flashed a pink speckled BEAN...called EDENI for some reason....and then the word NUAVE came up, several times....
it was similar to the colours/fruits used in that estee lauder advertisement in the 70s....
the word GUAVA stands out to me...why?
last night i had an odd dream where i was flashed a pink speckled BEAN...called EDENI for some reason....and then the word NUAVE came up, several times....
this one made me smile...it is really quite macabre, if you think about it....
and yes SP had coded out all of the bottles that they had been programmed with upon this site....
and yes SP had coded out all of the bottles that they had been programmed with upon this site....
i am reminded of VIZ - a spoof article where LADY GAGA has decided to wear a well-known footballer as her 'dress'...
conflate 'dress' with 'wine' - with 'human blood' and what have you got?
and this site was coded out....to reveal other bottles that had been used in programming...read the coded comment....the 'ludes'....'mr ludo'....
and this site was coded out....to reveal other bottles that had been used in programming...read the coded comment....the 'ludes'....'mr ludo'....
the label of LA VENDIMIA reminds me unpleasantly of mrs fishwick's pattern in 'charlie and lola' used to represent ZYGOTE SLAVERY....so that will have been used in programming, i am sure of it...and a trip to the festival....
now the rothschild family cloaked their vineyards in a very dark mythology....ashes of human bone, used as fertiliser/manure....all WICCA MAN type stuff....the 'sacrifice' to ensure a good new crop...that type of thing...a lot of superstition going on there....
anyway, i know that some of SP were to go to the festival - to find out what it was all about...i cannot remember which department as such...i have a vague recollection of them wanting to split up and visit different regions...which would have made them very vulnerable indeed to ill cult attack/abduction:
Fiesta Nacional de la Vendimia (The Grape Harvest Festival) takes place annually in the city of Mendoza, Mendoza Province, Argentina. It is one of the most important festivals in the country attracting large numbers of tourists to the region. It is a world renowned celebration of wine and the winemaking industry.
Each of the 18 departments in Mendoza Province prepare for the festival in the early months of the year. The main event occurs in the first week of March in Mendoza city featuring hundreds of dancers and performers, the selection of a "Reina Nacional de la Vendimia" (National Vendimia Queen) and a large firework display.
The finale of the show sees the election of the "Reina Nacional de la Vendimia" and a large firework display.
now the rothschild family cloaked their vineyards in a very dark mythology....ashes of human bone, used as fertiliser/manure....all WICCA MAN type stuff....the 'sacrifice' to ensure a good new crop...that type of thing...a lot of superstition going on there....
anyway, i know that some of SP were to go to the festival - to find out what it was all about...i cannot remember which department as such...i have a vague recollection of them wanting to split up and visit different regions...which would have made them very vulnerable indeed to ill cult attack/abduction:
Fiesta Nacional de la Vendimia (The Grape Harvest Festival) takes place annually in the city of Mendoza, Mendoza Province, Argentina. It is one of the most important festivals in the country attracting large numbers of tourists to the region. It is a world renowned celebration of wine and the winemaking industry.
Each of the 18 departments in Mendoza Province prepare for the festival in the early months of the year. The main event occurs in the first week of March in Mendoza city featuring hundreds of dancers and performers, the selection of a "Reina Nacional de la Vendimia" (National Vendimia Queen) and a large firework display.
Contents[hide] |
[edit] History
The first vendimia celebrations in Mendoza Province occurred in the 17th Century, the first official Vendimia festival took place in 1936. Recently Mendoza's Vendimia ranked number two in National Geographic's Top 10 World's Harvest Festivals, after the Thanksgiving celebrations in Plimoth Plantation, Massachusetts.[edit] Departments
Each of Mendoza's departments are represented at the festival:[edit] Programme of events
[edit] Benediction of the fruit
The Benediction of the fruit takes place on the last Sunday of February.[edit] Vía Blanca de las Reinas
On the evening of the first Friday of March the prettiest women elected as Reinas (queens) from each department parade in alegoric chariots through the streets of Mendoza dressed in decorative outfits designed to celebrate the winemaking tradition and the character of their Departments. This event has been known to attract over 200,000 spectators.[edit] Carrusel Vendimial
The Carrusel Vendimial takes place on the Saturday morning, it takes the form of a daylight parade, where the Reinas ride their chariots through the streets, accompanied formations of men dressed in Gaucho style outfits and riding horses, they are followed by dancers representing various provinces of Argentina and other Latin American Countries. This parade also attracts huge numbers of spectators.[edit] Central act
The "Acto Central" takes place in the Frank Romero Day Greek theatre. It is an impressive spectacle of light and sound featuring over 100 performers and dancers. The show pays homenage to the "Virgen de la Carrodilla" and features traditional folklore music.The finale of the show sees the election of the "Reina Nacional de la Vendimia" and a large firework display.
when i think of vineyards...i think of shots of them - in films...and normally the images shown are of newly planted vines....so it came as a surprise to see how old these 'minature trees' were....
merlot...let me think....matt smith saw himself as a 'merlin'...a magician...he had chosen a 'merlot wine bottle' to represent himself...
merlot...let me think....matt smith saw himself as a 'merlin'...a magician...he had chosen a 'merlot wine bottle' to represent himself...
and as far as i can remember...this photo was very important...because of the colours....
they had once been used in a makeup advert...for ESTEE LAUDER....anyway, mark r had chosen them for something very important indeed....
Oh i know what it is now...the model wearing estee lauder...was holding up a basket of fruit....and it was the GRAPES....the different colours of grapes which were accentuated....the conflation of GRAPES with OLIVES....
they had once been used in a makeup advert...for ESTEE LAUDER....anyway, mark r had chosen them for something very important indeed....
Oh i know what it is now...the model wearing estee lauder...was holding up a basket of fruit....and it was the GRAPES....the different colours of grapes which were accentuated....the conflation of GRAPES with OLIVES....
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