Friday 23 February 2018,7.047285,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipObcRqV2ROkZw9WBKGXCDh_0oSffB-ITNe2k-Bg!2e10!3e12!!7i5312!8i2988!4m13!1m7!3m6!1s0x12cdd3a2d11dc9c9:0x5c4349fc32c96606!2sCagnes-sur-Mer,+France!3b1!8m2!3d43.663739!4d7.14882!3m4!1s0x12ce81287e6569d5:0x94dc4d15a5fbe815!8m2!3d43.5064449!4d7.0472413

...and today, we have a location...near to where the templars had once had a the cagnes sur mer area....see previous notes upon 'all of that'...i.e. how and why that castle burnt down to the then be removed completely in order to leave no traces.

....and having set the context...i will now take you back in time, dear the templars at their castle...receiving unexpected news from eliza manningham-buller...she was to tell them that she had been in contact with a 'french' mafia...and that she now had 'abbaye de lerins' under their control....must have been blind-as-a-bat....because the real 'controllers' had been the japanese military...and the radio frequencies had been picked up by an italian 'sub', in the area...and so that is the code for this morning - regarding the following pics entitled....'sub'...remember the latin...'svm'?

anyway, buller had secured the 'abbaye' order to continue their paedophile cannibal cult...and she had arranged for the be coded short PI(E) slaves and etc etc....oh and there's more...she had then updated the whole thing to include 'purple hearts' references....see previous notes....go figure.

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