Saturday 24 September 2016

okay, gill...only a few notes to put up, today and upon that eurostar journey, remember?....a fake amerindian psychic (who had looked and acted - a bit like caroline hughes)...a 'candy-controller' device in her bag - somewhat like tony green's mob were using, later on...i.e. rather like a 'very small' mobile phone....

anyway, obama had been in charge, of the operation...digging up his coalman/sandman/candyman programming and in relation to 'dumb and dumber'...i.e the duma and mededev (as uber-controller of the 'candy' number).....'megadeath' according to MOD evans...remember 'candy-megatron'?

what else?....a code that obama had given me...ASOE...based upon HC's hysterical character....always in 'a state of emergency'




E brainwave level 'on'....the ON(E)....go figure.

i can remember asking "aesop for short?" to the reply "NO."

anyway, MI6 were to follow up on MI5's investigation of 'fake amerindian psychic-on-eurostar' to find out that she had been hit by a car, in paris....and whilst unconscious, in hospital....nobody had any idea of her ID....because her bag had been nicked...the one with the 'candy-controller' in it....not that they were to know that, at the time.

'fake amerindian psychic' had really been a russian 'mkultra controller'...go figure.

the CIA hadn't managed a 'clean hit' but obama was to say that it didn't matter....what he was concerned about was..."can you replicate this?"....the 'candy-controller device', in his hand - at the time (having been handed it, by his 'people') then be told by the CIA..."we're working on it"...go figure.

what else, gill? oh 'erk martian' was also to come up...the device had been running on a MARS frequency (oh and that fake amerindian psychic had been another of those 'poisonous shellfish' types)....go figure.


...the word REPLICATE instead of DUPLICATE, funny....the idea being, how can you duplicate and then modify that order for us to become 'uber-candy-controllers'...

funny - because I was to read a headline-on-the-web, the other day.....about how Obama would become the richest president ever to leave, how could that be? considering that he had entered office with relatively, no money-to-speak-of......unless he had found a way to 'lift' the CANDY real estate portfolio  - with a MODified 'device'....go figure.


the changing face of MY3 frontpage, today:

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