Wednesday 22 June 2016

let me see...and the debate gets rather heated and nasty, upon PKW/Robert webb's site...go figure...

crap...I'm glad I don't have a 'twitter site'...

there is 'wrong on all sides' as far as I can see....because the ill cult used to control webb...he used to be an arch-taschmann/toyboy of the british monarchy/BBC paedophile cult etc etc....but as far as I know he 'recovered 'from mind control mkultra monarchy slavery...and promised to help MI5 in their endeavours...go figure...
the devil and the deep blue sea...that is all I can say about for the 'lesser evil' etc terms of diplomacy.....let me see...historically, it is widely agreed that the reign of Elizabeth I was so successful, for example...because she always kept 'one foot in - one foot out'...and in recent times?....a foreign policy that the UK government has adopted with the EU and for some time now....however, to take that foot give 'total control' or 'sovereignty' to the british mkultra monarchy...well, that can only spell 'bad news'...
oh and when the US president advises 'remain'....the man who had once told America that he wasn't going to let them vaccinate his own children....see previous notes upon that 'horror' can be sure that any 'special relationship' is over....(thatcher and Reagan etc etc)..."no help coming from that quarter" replies MI5 ONLINE...go figure.

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