Wednesday 22 June 2016

how to test the real mood and tempo of the great british public...upon brexit....remember all of those polls?
...and what about those definitive statements upon the ballot paper? the choice between leave or remain...i'll bet that...that is not how a lot of people are thinking, is it? it doesn't really reflect what is going on in their minds....
...and what about that 'put an X in the box' at the voting station...a  bit 'cat in the box'....?
why not tick the statement which sounds the most like...what you are thinking/feeling about the whole thing so far....
what about a revision of the ballot that would send 'keith from THE OFFICE' mad...tick the statement which most closely resembles your current state of mind:
on the whole - leave/remain...
i'm almost sure - leave/remain....
it might be a good thing - leave/remain...
i haven't got a clue but..... - leave/remain....
there are drawbacks on both sides and i don't really want to vote at all but having been prodded into doing so....-leave/remain...
....and i would tick the last one...prompted by my intense anger - after having remembered being told by british royal decree (by prince charles - that norwegian cuckoo) that i wasn't allowed a vote at all, in this country - see previous notes upon the british council prague DTO and what lisa had found out....
anyway, as far as i can see...boris wins the day...with that 'sixth sense of his' and no, i am not talking about BREXIT...i am talking about his uncanny knack of 'hitting it on the head' terms of discovering or should i say, tuning into that 'gladiatorial program' running...see previous notes upon the templars and boris' unmasking of 'the hawker'....go figure. boris is a true artist....a channeller....see previous notes...and perhaps if all else fails...he might take up sculpting installations at the tate modern?....
...because i suppose that in many ways, and amongst other things - 'modern art' can be seen as a warning of the shape of things to come...a warning bell, of sorts...and that's obviously boris' type of thing...that piece of performance art, with the....'whatwasitagain' as his evidently boris' forte...

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