Saturday, 4 January 2025

 ....and what else, dazzlenation?...well, we appear to be looking at 'tattingstone place' in relation to 'lumpy's piracy....see previous post....go figure:,1.1123275,230m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m15!1m8!3m7!1s0x47d90a5f3f3ba75b:0x5cc43a3c74286094!2sTattingstone,+Ipswich!3b1!8m2!3d51.9918179!4d1.109905!16s%2Fm%2F03cs6jr!3m5!1s0x47d90bfe8a726211:0x8a83878fa5f32417!8m2!3d51.9883183!4d1.1138841!16s%2Fg%2F11hz1t1frh?entry=ttu&g_ep=EgoyMDI0MTIxMS4wIKXMDSoASAFQAw%3D%3D

with a sidelong glance at the old rectory....regarding a pink wrapped 'gift':

 ....and what's new this saturday evening, dazzlenation?...well, i've recently had footage back of gill's baleful influence upon the young 'ed'....remember how i had questioned ed's all-consuming rage, regarding me laughing at his 'pint-size-spider-man' performance in 14 st bernards road...let me backtrack - sylvia had laughed her evil little girl laugh to then tell me that ed had something to show me etc etc...she then opened the frontroom door to reveal ed, who then began to cavort around 'in costume'....i apologised afterwards, immediately but really, it was so funny...whoever had bought him the was about 10 times too large and sylvia didn't say 'who' - exactly...just a 'friend' apparently....anyway, he never forgave me - not for all of those decades afterwards..."spiteful rage" replies BI, why would that be?....well, the footage was to reveal all....i.e. gill introducing the young ed to rodway...."he's sylvia's youngest" etc etc...and so yes those two spiteful retards had been behind 'that one' etc etc..."full of venom" wonder judy dance had called rodway a 'black widow' spider etc etc....just how poisonous - consumed with jealousy and rage had the pair of them been...i can understand it coming from rodway....even her israeli 'uncle ari' was to describe her as a stupid heffalump who almost unbelievably might just bring it home for the lot of yes, i've seen that footage-on-the-coast, rodway holidaying with her tards etc etc....and yet, might have thought that he was slightly more intelligent but no etc etc....anyway, i think that we should put it all to music, eh - daldry?...more laughter...franco had loved that song, in relation to teaching the young english in sicily...."functional language"...rodway's superman, eh?....go figure:

anyway, rodway had been classified as the following upon the russian jooish zionist system of 'uncle ari' apt, let us least there were some who were more on the ball, than etc etc...and yes they'd obviously seen her reform school record etc etc....remember what had happened to stephanie cropper at 10 years old...and simply because she was prettier and more intelligent than rodway etc etc:

lumpy in tattingstone, eh?...and yes, rodway had told her tards that she needed a base there...oh and upon the note of where rodway/alma doll ended up next....french intelligence took care of things let us say....french a knife through and out - in a flash....fascinating to watch....gaining access to records/footage etc etc....hmmm...with a footnote - regarding emet's plans....and a large query put over 'that one'....go figure:

"criminally-minded and too stupid to know any better"....hmmmm....which is no doubt, why rodway had been targeted and groomed from an early age...."gill wasn't much better"....anyway, the spotlight's on emet now...who had wanted to use the joos for something, in his overall plans for israel but now, it looks like that really isn't going to happen etc it goes, eh?

 ....and what's new this saturday morning - dazzlenation?....well, as daldry had once don't want to be a 'big mouth'...i take that on advice always received - gratefully etc etc....go figure:

Friday, 3 January 2025

 ....and what's new this friday evening, dazzlenation?...well, the latest clump to come up do i put the words of 'mandel' etc etc.....go figure:

hmmm....something around bowie's son - regarding the inspiration for 'phantom pain' etc relation to lennon's influence upon etc etc....and then we have a photo that BI online had recognised immediately...."phantom limb"....because her leg is the same colour as the sofa...and what else?...well, what can i say but 'foam on the moon' anybody?....go figure:

along with something around 'shower curtains' bizarrely enough....remember rodway's chosen 'leaf' pattern etc etc....with a sidelong glance at that 'old shower' at MI5 - as in old-school way of doing things.....because the MI6 'blinds' don't work anymore, let us say...go figure:

and then there's 'this' something that daldry had had a hand in, as far as i can recall....go figure:

with a sidelong glance at the 'red switch' let us say:

Francis Gavan, Ghost Train Ride, Woodhouse Moor, Leeds, Spring 1986

and to tie it all up, we have 'the impossible voyage'...something that had helped daldry tremendously, in order to understand what had happened etc etc...with a sidelong glance at the aliens in the movie 'monsters'....go figure:

Thursday, 2 January 2025

....additionally, sarah holliday had laughed about the green relation to the outline of 'nikia' upon the map....i wonder 'why' - wonders if the criminally-minded had meant nicking...along with profits rather than prophets etc etc....go figure:,+Greece/@36.5740561,27.1771754,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipMhMrsKdTsCFojCp1Tk-Y76sO10ZEjuNFvaBP_W!2e10!3e12!!7i3024!8i4032!4m10!1m2!2m1!1schurch+near+Therma,+Greece!3m6!1s0x1495fd597acb73b5:0x62b35071ed6035dc!8m2!3d36.5741377!4d27.1776523!10e5!16s%2Fg%2F1yjg81nj9?entry=ttu&g_ep=EgoyMDI0MTIxMS4wIKXMDSoASAFQAw%3D%3D

oh and guess who might have done what, with the following - holliday's partner-in-crime etc etc....go figure:

accounts overdue apparently:

...and they charge you by the month, apparently:

and in relation to 27 old gloucester road, the registered office address - dazzlenation....and we're back to that old address regarding the 'mary ward centre' etc etc....see previous let me see...if that is number 25 then it follows that the shabby building next to it etc etc....all a bit 'ecclesiastical' in tone?...."it's got a spycam" replies BI amusing - directly opposite to the mary ward centre etc etc...hmmm....bullard had intoned "dr foster went to gloucester in a shower of rain" relation to the may-re-ward-centre....go figure:

....and last but not least, you'd wanted a 'grey cat' number - dazzlenation.....go figure:,27.1764755,3a,60y,200.4h,112.57t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipNPscrzmAd7HKOIMKBM3bVhNnLVBlD7K_IEUnjd!2e10!3e11!!7i6144!8i3072!4m11!1m2!2m1!1schurch+near+Therma,+Greece!3m7!1s0x1495fd5bfb669a41:0x4805859128a81370!8m2!3d36.5757069!4d27.1801897!10e5!15sChpjaHVyY2ggbmVhciBUaGVybWEsIEdyZWVjZVobIhljaHVyY2ggbmVhciB0aGVybWEgZ3JlZWNlkgEGY2h1cmNomgEkQ2hkRFNVaE5NRzluUzBWSlEwRm5TVU55ZFRSZlFtMTNSUkFC4AEA-gEFCJMCECs!16s%2Fg%2F1q62916bh?entry=ttu&g_ep=EgoyMDI0MTIxMS4wIKXMDSoASAFQAw%3D%3D

 ....oh and i'm intrigued by this 'sarah holliday' touch to the proceeds - dazzlenation....remember that swiss church in venice etc figure:,27.1769274,3a,90y,156.21h,75.1t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipNm0wYyWZsGuO93CfZeTgDgcKLuiGhKHOHLhzd2!2e10!3e11!!7i11264!8i5632!4m11!1m2!2m1!1schurch+near+Therma,+Greece!3m7!1s0x1495fd5bfb669a41:0x4805859128a81370!8m2!3d36.5757069!4d27.1801897!10e5!15sChpjaHVyY2ggbmVhciBUaGVybWEsIEdyZWVjZVobIhljaHVyY2ggbmVhciB0aGVybWEgZ3JlZWNlkgEGY2h1cmNomgEkQ2hkRFNVaE5NRzluUzBWSlEwRm5TVU55ZFRSZlFtMTNSUkFC4AEA-gEFCJMCECs!16s%2Fg%2F1q62916bh?entry=ttu&g_ep=EgoyMDI0MTIxMS4wIKXMDSoASAFQAw%3D%3D

and yes, the italians had been initially puzzled by etc etc....anyway, i can see what the holliday camp 'n' marcus had been up to, now....he had laughed "i am the jock!"....the jockey.....riding the horse......jungfraujoch in relation to prince andrew's choo-choo-trains biznez etc etc...."the queen of the may" replies BI relation to the may-den-saddle?...."the italians had thought that it was all about piracy"....go figure:

 ....oh and what was somebody up to, here - then dazzlenation?....see previous posts....go figure:,27.1797426,3a,90y,259.28h,163.98t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipNmdKn5zjm_iqF_Jo4mFQRcJhYjxlzI3Fo36BY4!2e10!3e11!!7i3584!8i1450!4m11!1m2!2m1!1schurch+near+Therma,+Greece!3m7!1s0x1495fd5bfb669a41:0x4805859128a81370!8m2!3d36.5757069!4d27.1801897!10e5!15sChpjaHVyY2ggbmVhciBUaGVybWEsIEdyZWVjZVobIhljaHVyY2ggbmVhciB0aGVybWEgZ3JlZWNlkgEGY2h1cmNomgEkQ2hkRFNVaE5NRzluUzBWSlEwRm5TVU55ZFRSZlFtMTNSUkFC4AEA-gEFCJMCECs!16s%2Fg%2F1q62916bh?entry=ttu&g_ep=EgoyMDI0MTIxMS4wIKXMDSoASAFQAw%3D%3D

lost her head?

 .....anyway, relation to the following....i was to pick up on 'something' - regarding sonia fisher's grey-cat-poor-clare number....but what?...a bit 'ali baba' meets 'aladdin'?....yes, younger 'n' moore had decided to do something along those lines....let me guess...something around 'don't touch their lamp' (cocaine)?...go figure:,27.1801897,3a,54.2y/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipO0vGJjz1-TXiIVhAq3bLF1F0fDTfl0JdQWISzu!2e10!3e12!!7i4608!8i3456!4m11!1m2!2m1!1schurch+near+Therma,+Greece!3m7!1s0x1495fd5bfb669a41:0x4805859128a81370!8m2!3d36.5757069!4d27.1801897!10e5!15sChpjaHVyY2ggbmVhciBUaGVybWEsIEdyZWVjZVobIhljaHVyY2ggbmVhciB0aGVybWEgZ3JlZWNlkgEGY2h1cmNomgEkQ2hkRFNVaE5NRzluUzBWSlEwRm5TVU55ZFRSZlFtMTNSUkFC4AEA-gEFCJMCECs!16s%2Fg%2F1q62916bh?entry=ttu&g_ep=EgoyMDI0MTIxMS4wIKXMDSoASAFQAw%3D%3D

....and er...losey had decided upon his idea of the 'pygmy hippo' after viewing the following - and the whole Ikarus/icarus number is probably pertinent too....remember - he'd flown too close to the sun....a bit like that holliday/CF kite number etc etc....see previous posts....go figure:

along with a joke around....."flying bananas" replies BI've guessed it:

oh and it's st john and the black bird, again - dazzlenation.....see previous notes upon 'all of that'....go figure:

and so what had the italians found out about 'marcus'?...well, apparently he'd started off greek orthodox but then had seen the 'light' regarding jooish orthodoxy....according to franco - he was a common type....highly repressed homosexual public school boy..."who found sanctuary in judaism" replies BI online....hmmm....murderous too....murdered his muslim wife, in jakarta....therefore i would guess that the beit din's 'pregnant-men-society' was also on his books etc etc...oh and franco had talked about his murderous intent...something to do with repressed homosexuality and an all consuming rage/disgust/hatred regarding women in general etc etc...hmmm...remember gill's effect upon etc etc....the young stephen gloag not to mention ed gyde....."they see heterosexuality as a perversion" scary, eh?

 ....oh and franco et al, had been looking for an out-of-the-way church etc etc previous posts...go figure:,26.1381,3a,75y,189.32h,68.93t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipNW62_e-b72JfrXJQ8hsleXg3eCNnelmzSJlyrd!2e10!3e11!!7i4290!8i1667!4m11!1m2!2m1!1schurch+near+Therma,+Greece!3m7!1s0x14bce2024422f8b9:0x421c49eaf3e3506c!8m2!3d37.6171126!4d26.1377768!10e5!15sChpjaHVyY2ggbmVhciBUaGVybWEsIEdyZWVjZVobIhljaHVyY2ggbmVhciB0aGVybWEgZ3JlZWNlkgEJbW9uYXN0ZXJ5mgEjQ2haRFNVaE5NRzluUzBWSlEwRm5TVU5QZUc5UFJVVjNFQUXgAQD6AQQIGBAg!16s%2Fg%2F11c59t3gnx?entry=ttu&g_ep=EgoyMDI0MTIxMS4wIKXMDSoASAFQAw%3D%3D

 .....and if 'brenda' was looking for a telegram service, within the vicinity - figure:,+Greece/@37.6248555,26.3036075,3a,75y,39.61h,98.4t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipN_HftfQDFm_3exTIV62Se22cSISzDDx1tLQSj9!2e10!3e11!!7i7776!8i3888!4m7!3m6!1s0x14bcfc3901583f37:0xb9499532370d924c!8m2!3d37.6228451!4d26.3049861!10e5!16s%2Fm%2F0288127?entry=ttu&g_ep=EgoyMDI0MTIxMS4wIKXMDSoASAFQAw%3D%3D

 ....and what's new this thursday evening, dazzlenation?...well, i can remember offending 'marcus' at bullard's bastille flat - all of those years ago now....he stormed out - after i had said "beware of the greek bearing presents"...after bawling at me "how did you KNOW?" hadn't done...."he'll get over it" bullard had replied, afterwards....anyway, a bit more digging was to reveal the following location....which 'marcus' had once said looked rather like the 'sphinx'....yes, really....more laughter....go figure:

oh and off on a tangent now to a certain computer arrangement, let us say....which isn't going to work.....nicknamed 'bananas'....anagrams of 'bananas' anybody? that PG tips number?....the printout is along those lines...a bit like a screeching ape....and yes, that arc de triomphe number hadn't been marcus 'delaunay's work....although he had wanted everybody to think that it had been etc etc....zielinsky at french intelligence was to explain, what had actually happened...oh and losey was in the 'know' too etc it goes, eh?

Wednesday, 1 January 2025

.....and what's flashbak on, then - dazzlenation?...ah, another reminder of 'marcus' etc etc.....see previous posts....go figure:

oh and there's another reminder of sonia fisher as the 'grey cat' in relation to a abortive attempt to 'trap' regarding the following ghost story....elizabeth gaskell and 'the poor clare'....starring quasi-collie as the 'poor nun' ringing her bell upon the, losey had also added a 'shopping trolley' number....something around how when the wheels fall off etc etc....and well, what can i say but that they already have....unless you're all too blind to notice.....more laughter....see previous notes upon the 'rolling/rowling' satanic cult etc etc...and yes i cannot afford to buy myself one - no matter how 'cheap' they can be - on amazon or at argos...i have no intention of buying a cheap one - to then watch the wheels fall off upon the street and so 'nothing doing'...they'd all better come up with something along the lines of meeting my original demands - regarding offers if they want anything 'magical/mathematical' to work again...stop wasting my time, tards - not that i've got much left, nowadays etc it goes, eh?

.....and what else, dazzlenation?...well, we've done the marmalade cat (rodway) and so now back to the grey cat i.e. sonia fisher.....who had needed a reminder of the following 'cardinal wolsey' statue....apparently installed in nicholas street, ipswich....go figure:,and%20a%20more%20abstract%20handling.%22

 ......with a sidelong glance at mark r - dazzlenation, in relation to when you just want the world to stop and get off etc etc....go figure:

anyway, i don't think that marcus' network will last another year.....'ding dong' shipping forecast, eh?....and yes, tard-force had figured that it was so very 'clever' in etc etc....with their boss 'marcus' currently enjoying the 'playground' exercise yard - of a certain thai jail....are they going to make him write his '7 pillars of wisdom', too....can i mark it etc etc....see previous notes upon scarlett et al, in that iranian gaol it goes, eh?

additionally, has anybody checked out the 'wolseley', recently?

ah, i remember now...ed bullard had told sarah holliday later on...."he's actually a delaunay".....a venture capitalist - stupid enough to invest in bullard's scheme etc etc: