Wednesday, 5 February 2025

.....and what's new this wednesday morning, dazzlenation?...well, something around 'maggie' at the prague DTO - who had claimed to be michael frayn's wife, in blackheath - late 60s...."nothing like her" - oscar had said, later on....and i wonder now, if 'susan sinclair' hadn't been programmed with frayn's first wife's portrait etc etc....go figure:

oh and there's a bit of a 'rodway' number in the mix:

rodway could do that 'look' to a 'T'....with the 'pincers' short, this is all a reminder of a certain word that potsy 'n' yates had programmed in anagrams of file names...regarding the word 'percipient'...riding on the back of the gru, eh?...but for how long...what a nest of scorpions instead of 'mice' inside of that etc etc...go figure:

Tuesday, 4 February 2025

 ....and what's new this tuesday evening, dazzlenation?..well, i'm looking at 'cuckoo clocks' and in relation to the mossad - regarding max 'n' lewis' failure to etc etc with 'francesca''untested' bravington clock, eh?...looks like the 'inner workings' have magically disappeared.....hmmm...and i can guess 'why'....a bit like the 'tiberius' maths program that i had put together for potsy...including offshots...romulus 'n' remus...leda 'n' zeus....the 9 hills of rome (instead of 7) - something that potsy 'n' yates had clumsily constructed using an almanac 'prophecy' to do so..."we'd better put in 9" yates had told potsy....more laughter....anyway, i can make things appear and disappear - having been the original author...what a magician..."of the root program" replies BI online....nothing works unless i say so etc etc....go figure:

oh and come to think of it....having remembered potsy telling me that i was the 'egg' etc etc....i then reflected back further to what had happened in the back garden of a certain 'mansion' in blackheath - late 60s....the sacrifice of a swan....hmmm...jeff goldblum plays 'zeus' in a new netflix series....see previous notes upon 'all of that'....go figure:

 .....and what else is new this tuesday morning, dazzlenation?...well, a 'holland & barrett' email in my inbox...telling me that this is my 'new wellness routine' - obviously trying to sell products that i will not buy but anyway, i loved the first pic...chosen well...depicts how and for 'so many'...the relationship between men and women is somewhat contorted (and i'm not talking 'yoga' here☺)...let me put it this way...he's smiling, laughing at her....and she's not so sure....why are you laughing at me, she might be thinking/saying etc etc?...okay it's not mills & boon or bridgerton but it's the real world...and that is because 'everywoman' knows - what that 'encounter' is like etc etc:

Monday, 3 February 2025

 .....and what's new this tuesday morning, dazzlenation....well, i'm not exactly on 'tolstoy' either....'the grimm variations: the pied piper of hamlyn - available upon netflix....go figure:

 ....and if you're still on cacti, dazzlenation...'engrish' has got something for you....go figure:

 ....and what's new this monday evening, dazzlenation?...well, that whole eon-next number biznez is beginning to look a mite suspicious regarding etc etc...go figure:

.....and what's new this monday morning, dazzlenation....'green glands' -  anybody? figure:

Sunday, 2 February 2025

 ....and what's new upon the BBC site - dazzlenation?...well, having clicked on etc attention was caught by the 'fried egg' clock, more than anything else....go figure:

oh and then there's 'this'...although how 'any of that' might fit in with etc etc....i have no idea...perhaps it is just my sense of the absurd etc etc:

 .....and what's new this sunday evening, dazzlenation?...well, you'd wanted a reminder of this 'voldemort' number...oh and remember CF at dartington - instructed by richard harris to "marry gold".....mari(g)old - anagrams, anybody (in relation to that 'tom marvolo riddle' nonsense)?....go figure:

 .....and what's new this sunday morning, dazzlenation?...more radio files - marines.....along with a football teams' reference...all saints' primary school kids, in the late 60s - divided and along the following relation to football....arsenal vs queen park rangers...andrew marr aka 'michael richardson' had been all in favour of 'queen's park rangers'....and yes, we're talking about paedophile abuse, here....children talking about it in 'cloaked terms' i.e. who was the most likely to cause the most harm and best to vote for the other etc etc...and the die was cast, so to speak.....those who ended up 'royal' slaves - ended up with terrible-chips-in-their-heads with updates from the gru/mossad...whoever and whatsover etc etc...that the royals had entrusted their 'protection field' can i do but laugh?....because it is all a game at the end of the day and a very terrible game indeed, i might add......go figure:

Saturday, 1 February 2025

....oh and the following came up too, dazzlenation...something to do with moore who had wanted to etc etc...younger was unsure, let us say....go figure:

 ....and what's new this saturday evening, dazzlenation?...'get bowling'...go figure:

 ....and what else is new this saturday morning, dazzlenation?...well, the following...go figure:

 ....and what's new this saturday morning, dazzlenation?...ah, reminding me of PKW/webb short, tards-at-work in relation to their we-have-no-free-will-straight-to-hell-don't-pass-go number etc etc....and er...if younger were to bother to 'lift-a-finger' you might all 'pass go' but he won't....guess 'why'....go figure:

Friday, 31 January 2025

 ....and what else, dazzlenation?...well, my sixth sense is picking up on a mix 'n' match, let us say....regarding wolseley's interest in wollerton old hall gardens....crossed with swindon's 'magic roundabout', wolseley had told bullard to imagine the rectangle of a helmet/visor in relation to the irises around the pond etc etc...."the whites of their eyes" replies BI online...well, that sounds 'bad' doesn't it etc etc....i suppose that it is all symbolic - regarding the lilypad pond etc etc...although there doesn't appear to be any such thing in that pond....go figure:

with a sidelong glance at laevigata irises....and

....and what page are you on, dazzlenation?...ah, i see...the 'floatier' and do you think that might be his son etc etc....additionally, theodore chapman used to have a similar 'look'/colouring etc etc....see previous post....go figure:

 ....and what's new this friday morning, dazzlenation?...well, bobby clayton et al, had programmed with 'profligate'....anagrams and derivatives of that word, anybody?....go figure:

hmmm...remember how sylvia had once described uncle bobby as 'nobody-and-nothing-in-our-house', whilst in a young child alter etc short, uncle bobby wasn't the profligate son who had then gone on to 'made good' - he had simply made 'bad' and to the nth degree etc etc....go figure:

and i've just had another 'eon' text upon my mobile.....1443 544977.

and what's new this friday evening - dazzlenation?....hmmm...something around relation to crow and tennet in the science labs...anyway, remember brideshead revisited?....because he had wanted to use the term 'profligate' - regarding his NWO number....see previous notes upon 'talking heads' and their 'road-to-nowhere'....additionally, crow was to use the word 'specious' regarding file'm not sure that she knew exactly what that meant...although he did etc etc...and what else?....well, back to the more mundane....eon next's reply to my email asking etc etc....look at how they avoid the only their official number etc etc....go figure:

anyway, it's all about heroin....coded in as the 'white heron' and yes, irons used to take a lot of white powder etc etc and yes, as BI online have just pointed out - he has the look of a haunted drug addict....hmmm...a bit like steve hoare, later on - at dartington...the blue-eyed version:

and yes, 'teraflop' was the anagram word that had interested them all the most - in that science lab etc etc...put themselves down as 'quettaflops' and remember how browne had coded herself in as the DOE of the piece etc etc....anyway, irons was to laugh about how the following....looked a bit like that sixth form college, in a way....go figure:

oh and regarding that 'kraken' reference, dazzlenation...that 'hollow-eyed' look...the irony of it all, eh?

just float....go on your and sylvia had been coded in as the 'floatier'...additionally, whalley had also taken the mantle on...of a rather flimsy cardigan....which had caused stenson some concern, let us say:

A floating-point unit (FPU, colloquially a math coprocessor) is a part of a computer system specially designed to carry out operations on floating-point numbers.

and if we're still on 'ligat' here...somewhat reminding me of those 'any-old-iron' sculptures/suits-of-armour at the hapimag resort - see previous post....with a sidelong glance at a latvian ship of the same name and oh, before i forget...the FBI had wanted confirmation that the washington plane crash number had been from bullard's desk....hmmm...did anybody check the area for 'earth tremors' at that point because a certain explosion had occurred within the wolseley was to state..."if it worked before..." regarding 9/11 etc it goes, eh?

Thursday, 30 January 2025

 ....and what's new this thursday morning, dazzlenation?..well, something around the following.....go figure:

and this evening? around 'baby dragon' and matt another 'new comment':

and in relation to wolseley, i suppose:

we're looking at the mairie here:

and in relation to a 'bar':

and then there's 'this'...where wolseley 'n' bullard would really be hanging out..hapimag, anybody?.....anyway, wolseley's already been found and dealt with - according to my sources:

...and let me see..."they were going to try and do that again" replies BI online....hmmm....the taschmanns had found them out....and nicknamed wolseley....'flight-of-death' as in the real voldemort.....remember his family motto etc etc...."crucifixion time - the men in the white suits - slave-drivers"....go figure:

remember the taschmanns' interest in 'real estate' and estate agents etc etc?...and well, obviously they knew who to call, at savills...regarding the blurring of the following image as a memory aid:

and what else?...well, remember that family get-together-in-vieilley....the christmas that sylvia had spent in bed etc etc....and well, ed had especially chosen a specific cheese to add to the platter, let us say....susan had taken note....anyway, at leasts one of them looks a bit 'rank' in the following kempson would just love it...looks about a 100 years old or more etc etc...oh and ed had chosen a white 'crumbly' one - i can't remember the name etc etc...and yes, my sixth sense is picking up on wolseley coding in his 'big cheeses'..."mafia bosses" with that cheese pic....go figure:

oh and wolseley had called the following "corgi colours" with a reference to that 'forbidden-white-flowers' satanic cult:

anyway, i am assuming that is supposed to be bullard with his MKultra hat on - dazzlenation and so those like daldry should proceed with caution, let us say...whilst the tards try out their unworkable sky program and you know what that tends to result in....the british army gets called in to clean up..."the french military police"....oh i see - that bad etc etc....anyway, no more 'comfy chairs' eh:

and so i gather that wolsley won't be there, to greet you at reception:

"wolseley's rasta friend"'re joking?

it's all a bit spikey/spy-key' isn't it?...wolseley's 'crows-tree'...remember that worcester anagram:

and so naturally one wonders just how much is being revealed 'in photos'....remember the watch that tomlinson used to give to his elite slaves etc etc....hmmm...or more the bracelet...a 'greek' touch etc etc:

er...was that where the french caught that clock?