Saturday 28 May 2022

 ....and what's new this sunday morning, dazzlenation?...well, so many years ago, now - pentagon 'emet' had told me "celebrities are the lowest circle of hell, if you remember that - you'll be all right"....and yes, my CIA lab network had had more than a few of them...fry, thompson etc etc...including what's-her-name....chosen to do a re-make of gregory girl....oh and the director had been 'privately' very unhappy about the choice but it was taken from her - i could go on, but anyway,...she then went on to star in a film that was all about 'being born without a soul', upon daldry's advice....she then 'converted' to atheism, along with ill cult paedophilia/cannibalism, having previously been a class A drug addict..."and continued to be" replies BI online....and so now, you get the full picture, dear reader.....'celebrities are the lowest circle of hell'.....and so does it really surprise you to find out that they had been stupid enough to try and 'steal the maths' none of this is really funny...the 'maths' that they had then used to try and "jolly up" the 'trooping of the flag....emma thompson's words and yes she had had her hair 'in rollers' at the time - gill...and what else?....and not my maths, i might add - although i used to leave around 'edited versions' let us say - within 'low-security-protected' folders/briefcases, for lisa et al - to steal....see previous notes upon 'all of that'...i had not left what 'lowest-circle-of-hell' ken and barbie dolls - had found....although they had thought that it was...BI online knew 'who'...."the mossad"...yes, the mossad had left a few sheets lying around...rather like the time that they had left a box of microchips around - for that kate holliday/prince charles ensemble to then etc etc....moronic behaviour, eh?..."but what can you expect from..." etc etc...too true.....oh and remember, i always papiermache whatever i've done and 'flush it'....i do not leave stray papers lying around 'just in case'....see previous notes upon dennis gliddon/sally morgan/totnes/shotgun event etc etc....anyway, to cut a long story short...that 'lowest-circle-of-hell' team had stolen 'maths' that they had thought was mine - it wasn't - it had been the mossad' then input it ('glorified input-ers' - remember mike weale?)...."idiot children - google chips"....and so they should now all be court-martialled for their idiocy, should they not?...inputting 'deadly stuff' from the mossad into the mainframe of etc etc....more see, all i have to do is to sit back and it all unfolds...and do i care?...they haven't paid me back a penny, not a bean of the money that they owe me etc etc....anyway, as it turns out - that celebrity 'lowest circle of hell' team - had hived off their ill-gotten gains - upon a computer in that 'office space' that 'miri' moore was then to check out...who then told everybody that it looked like the 'real deal', let us say...he then added a warning "but be careful"'be careful'?...nota bene - to all of you i.e. idiots-on-chip....'glorified input-ers' have no idea of what you are dealing with and yet you still add it to the mainframe, just in case it might 'work'....omg....see previous notes/posts upon 'all of that'...incredible...incroyable..."robotic" replies BI online...we're looking at a whole country, here...the UK, in point of fact...."destroyed from within" and by 'idiot children' with their finger-on-the-button...go figure.

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