....and what's new this wednesday morning, dazzlenation?...something that 'crappy' had known about....go figure:
Safe House review – nobody broods better than Christopher Eccleston | Television | The Guardian
....and what's new this wednesday morning, dazzlenation?...something that 'crappy' had known about....go figure:
Safe House review – nobody broods better than Christopher Eccleston | Television | The Guardian
...and if we were to go a little bit further, dazzlenation....we can say an unconvincing disguise and cover story?....lol.....and yes, i can finally, remember now...that is precisely what had happened....can you guess what the rastas in the royal marines had thought etc etc...see previous posts....go figure:
....and then things get a bit 'woody' - dazzlenation...perhaps gilly_breeze can explain?....anyway, 'crappy' had nicknamed 'grumpy' - "woody" on account of him apparently looking a bit like woody harrelson. etc etc.....it's a generic look, isn't it - really?...and so i'm not quite sure where gilly_breeze gets 'gaddafi' from - unless 'woody' had decided to disguise himself....which is quite possible, let us say....and yes, he had had light brown eyes....and so blue eye contact lens might have been used...see previous post....go figure:
.....additionally, the prague rothschild had joked..."it's the whale thing"...remember that japanese tourist joke....whales at the whale-way station etc etc...."the british royal wales" replies BI online....go figure:
第34話 ダックしごとをもらう Duck Takes Charge きかんしゃトーマス - YouTube
(1) Flashbak.com (@aflashbak) / Twitter
....and yes, dazzlenation....japanese intelligence had had a look at it all...inside the 'fold', let us say....to see the boss pretending to be an angel...flapping his wings.....hmmm....a bit 'the prague rothschild team', perhaps?...they had fooled so many.....see previous notes upon emet talking about a rather strange encounter at a religious festival, back in the USA....whilst in residence at that jaffa gate hotel, jerusalem...nota bene that the uber 'fat controller' had been prince andrew..."controlling private CCTV soap operas" replies BI online....see previous posts....go figure:
.....and what's new upon my youtube frontpage, dazzlenation?...two episodes of etc etc...let's begin with the following...and yes, i know what this was all about...somebody had inadvertently bust the hook, let us say - that toddy had put in - to lock the cellar door (14 st bernards road)....on account of 'crappy' having been accidently locked down there....anyway, toddy had been sure that the hook would hold...in relation to anybody locked down there...you see the hook had been at the top of the door...and in relation to the angle etc etc....whilst balancing, in the dark - upon some rather steep steps....and yes, it would have been 'in the dark'....lol....because the light switch was on the side of the door, in the kitchen....anyway, after quite a few attempts and quite some time - 'crappy' actually managed to break the hinge off....the hinge of the hook at the top of the door.......go figure:
第131話 ハーヴィーのはつしごと Harvey to the Rescue きかんしゃトーマス - YouTube
....and what's wossy/evans/mcallum et al on, then - dazzlenation?...a new agenda for disneyplus?....lol...i reckon that series might have oprah's backing....see previous post....go figure:
(1) Jonathan Ross (@wossy) / Twitter
....anyway, as i had said before...a definite colour scheme attached to this particular clump - dazzlenation....see previous posts....go figure:
(1) Andrew Marr (@AndrewMarr9) / Twitter
...and then we're back to weather/whether watching, dazzlenation...."whether men" replies BI online...well, mcdonald and SC had originally coded themselves in as neptune and uranus...anyway, isn't it interesting....regarding, what you can see 'faces' in?...e.g. can you see a pair of lips etc etc in the following...see previous posts..."no. 10 screw"...well, actually it is more of a spring, to open the case.....go figure:
...oh and let us continue with that colour scheme, dazzlenation....see previous post....go figure:
Scientists discover why Neptune and Uranus are different colours despite similarities (msn.com)
....and what's on the timer system, this tuesday evening, dazzlenation...a netflix documentary....'keep sweet pray and obey'....go figure:
....and what are you 'on', this tuesday morning - dazzlenation?...ah, a 'boris johnson' note....in relation to 'whitty' programming....'living the dream', eh?...and yet being 'winston churchill', demands a bit more than etc etc...remember his 'black dog' depressions?...and 'why' they had come about etc etc...'sylvia' had been interested, having gone through something 'similar'...wanting to throw yourself under a tube - for sending so many to their deaths....ending up 'mad', upon your estate and then constructing a brick wall - by hand, i might add...so that the 'sheep' couldn't get through etc etc........go figure:
...oh and can you believe that somebody had left 'something like that'...two items upon the mat before belle court frontdoor this morning?...i kicked it all out...what a 'mess', eh?....and yes, i 'know' what this is all about, now - as 'crappy' does, only too well...a certain program that didn't work and in relation to bobby's mob - one that he had been in charge of....because i had been absent, at the time....not that they had noticed - apart from 'ed gyde'...luckily most of the ill cult hadn't paid too much attention...and even though that 'whitehall squad' had done - in the eventuality....they were then 'closed down'...lol...go figure:
.....and what's new this tuesday morning, dazzlenation?....additional information coming up and upon rimington....mossad files - apparently they had got to her before the KGB and installed 'magnets'..."so that you will report to us, before...." etc etc....oh and there's more...and in relation to 'radio witches'....lol.....along the lines of 'advice'...e.g. if you think that something is 'cursed' and we're talking mainly 'jewellry' here...keep it until you find out 'what' precisely - before selling it, ditching it, giving it away etc etc...oh and that applies to the packaging, too...and all because - there is nothing worse than 'tuning in' to something - to then realise that you had got rid of the object and the packaging, that had given you 'bad feelings/thoughts' beforehand - which means that you can no longer 'hold it in your hand', let us say and get to the bottom of it - using your 'sixth sense'...anyway, if you do decide to get rid of things - BI....at least taken a few photos of each item, before etc etc....remember 'feng shui' is all important...however, an indiscriminate disbanding of all etc etc...is foolhardy....anyway, more radio files - marines....go figure:
....along with a proffered 'helping hand', dazzlenation.....and in a very alternate universe, let us say....a very old system...a bit of a 'carousel-around-the-world'....i used to dream about it...dream about 'cutting the strings' and getting off...which is precisely what i had done, in real life...and yes, i can remember now...toddy had explained the dynamics of it.....a sort of 'bumper' number..."we're all on swings, honey"....each swing bumps into the next and then they all go whizzing round...."but i want to remember!" i replied...to then take steps to do 'just that'...in order to avoid complete and utter 'memory dump', let us say...a goddess desk number....go figure:
久しぶりのブランコとねこ。-The swing after a long absence and Maru.- - YouTube
...and 'miri' moore goes to check, dazzlenation...or not as the case, maybe....more likely to be the pentagon....lol....go figure:
久しぶりのブランコとねこ。-The swing after a long absence and Maru.- - YouTube
....and what's new in the mugumogu household, then - dazzlenation?....hmmm...the difference between 'bus' and 'bas'?....lol...something around how the prague rothschild's 'bas' number isn't working, anymore....go figure:
久しぶりのブランコとねこ。-The swing after a long absence and Maru.- - YouTube
....and yes, we're back to 'boo-ber' aka tomlinson and what fisher was to call the temple of le-mons (lemons) - cagnes sur mer etc etc....go figure:
第176話 エドワードとブラスバンド Edward's Brass Band きかんしゃトーマス - YouTube
...and what's new upon my youtube frontpage, dazzlenation?...oh, 'big spill'....go figure:
...and what else, dazzlenation?..."knightley died in a film that was situated in.." replies BI online....her character did, you mean...anyway, do you think that's relevant?...."a fishwick number"...died in what looks like a WWII bunker...and yes, i can now see that you had wanted a reminder of that movie - dazzlenation....go figure:
The Control Panel Archive: The Tactile Beauty of Buttons, Meters, Knobs and Dials - Flashbak