Monday 24 May 2021

 ....and what else is next up, after 'maru' - upon my youtube frontpage - dazzlenation?...'salo'....and so yes, we're definitely on ill cult torture 'n' torturers, this evening....the most frightening film that i have ever seen in my entire life (i was to view it - upon this side of the mirror, whilst at warwick), took me days to recover....and that is because i had been shown it before, dear part of 'auschwitz' programming....upon that 1980 MI5 russian course...and yes, we had all been taken there and put through...what is very difficult to put into words, let us say...and so viewing that film for a second time had brought up 'all of that' short, the programmers had taken their 'inspiration' from the film and then 'added some'...such as taking our photos - in b/w....and then putting them up on the walls of auschwitz - as 'inmates' etc etc...because they knew the power of taking your photo - after having tortured out of your mind and then showing it to you....and that is because it is so frightening - to see yourself 'like that' etc etc...really frightening...and nowadays, that is the one thing that stands out in my mind...forget being starved and then made to stand out in the snow and ice, until you passed out etc is the horror of seeing that b/w passport photo-style 'gallery'...because the entire course had looked just like WWII auschwitz victims...was there any difference etc etc...well, yes - obviously there was....we were all in the 30% let us say....see previous notes upon that ill cult slogan "God has been unfair" etc etc....and this was about 'intelligence' - regardless of socio-economic background...about half of us were from working class backgrounds and only a handful were 'jooish'....remember totalitarian states all tend to begin by either murdering or enslaving their 'intelligensia'....go figure:

Encapsulating Evil | Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom - YouTube

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