Sunday 25 April 2021

 ........and what's new this monday morning, dazzlenation?...well, remember that 'angry joo' number, in relation to an aaron services ltd operative...who was to exit his van, as i was going out for my morning 'jaunt'....this was before last friday and so nothing to do with previous notes upon 'all of that'...anyway, i was to recognise his of rimington's lackeys....who used to work in the okehampton police force.......and this is where i need to backtrack quite a bit, pre-2011 (golden anniversary luncheon) and that is because this is the prequel to what had happened before 'mr advertising company' had met 'john baker' posing as 'dr craig' at that okehampton then be drugged and memory-dumped, before leaving. short, nige, gill, robert and sarah turner - were to turn up at dr craig's house...unaware that he was in the garden...a fracas ensued...nige punched his head....dr craig ended up dead....they were then to wrap him in a blue tarpaulin and take him down to rimington's...and yes, she used to live down the lane....mcgowan and a couple of other police operatives were then to pay a call....mcgowan was to ask them what they had been doing with that blue tarpaulin, in the field...he then went and had a look....MI5 biznez....he then took part in the cover-up....additionally, the party was to realise that sue whalley had been 'watching' everything upon the networks.

....rimington was then to decide the order to set up their new 'secret government corridor' (and yes, that is what it had all been about - see previous notes upon susan bassnett's 'secret government corridor' at warwick)...using dr craig's equipment and programs....they would colonise the up the property...tamper with the cabling/pylons in order to create a 'safe environment'....which, to cut a long story what toddy's 'pylon' cartoon had been a reminder of....and so what can one say but that perhaps, nowadays - there is a whole graveyard out there, around the pylons.....beware kiddies!....don't mess with this 'show' unless you really know what you are doing.

.....anyway, were toddy 'n' mark r on FBI passes, at the time?...i'm not sure - dazzlenation...only that they were to ask me to scan for more then find out that rimington was to allocate a house to CF within the area...and pencil in sue - as his companion....oh and icke was also involved...although he wasn't there, at the time....and the potential 'fly in the ointment' apart from 'sue' spying upon them (she had a 'thing' about robert -always knew what he was up to)....appears to have been younger...."he won't like it" etc etc....and i don't suppose that 'miri' moore would have been too happy, either....go figure.

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