Saturday 28 November 2020

 ....and what's new this morning, dazzlenation?...well, first up - radio files - marines....along with the unedo/strawberry tree - clacton gardens...a passerby was to liken the fruit to 'lemons'...le-mons...and yes, i can vaguely remember the templars having wanted to know what that tree a certain templar venue, let us say...anyway, the passerby also commented that she had never seen the fruit before, even though she walks through that garden, quite often....and i couldn't remember noticing that fruit before, either...sometimes you get a 'bumper' crop, i suppose and at other times etc etc...and yet, i would guess that it is somehow 'seminal' to a lot of programming...remember sylvia as the 'big fruit' etc etc....go figure.

and what else?...well, i was to remember a certain correlation between two events...that had happened in two different different decades...both had been summarised as the following, dazzlenation...."when doing magical tricks - don't frighten your audience so much that..." etc etc and the milibands had left a note upon the timer system, for me to 'guess' which events had been referred to....and yes, dazzlenation - i can now answer that sick 'n' stupid question...the first example relates to what gill 'n' farrell had done at a holliday 'drama competition' event (england, 80's) ....the second, post-millenium - in france....lisa and her block of wood, had nearly murdered a young french child, whilst teaching her a 'magic trick' i.e. how to walk on water...

.see previous notes upon what had happened to the family-who-lived-nextdoor, in vieilley....lisa 'n' block of wood, had been responsible....oh and bobby's mob were no help at all...they were to try to blame it all upon me and for no apparent reason...i had not been there at the time and therefore, had no knowledge of what had happened - until sylvia told me....such is life...and all because the ill cult had this terrible culture...of using and abusing me, to extremes..."she must never know" etc etc...and then blaming/scapegoating me for all of the sick 'n' stupid things that they had done...knowing that BI would let them all of the hook, immediately....'royal favouritism'....."the harry potter cult" etc etc...whereas french intelligence didn't let any of them off of the hook...and yes, i don't think  that i need to elaborate upon 'that one' - do i, dazzlenation?

and what else?...another mathematical/magical gel-pen design 'in triangles', dazzlenation...and let me do i summarise the following? short, gill 'n' farrell had found petrol nell's 'magical' radio-box, to then break the key-code (harwich 2008)....however, there was another 'box' in operation...and that belongs to a member of the milibands had known...can you guess 'who', dazzlenation? previous notes/posts upon 'all of that'....go figure.

oh and to cap it all, off - dazzlenation...i was listening to BBC radio 4, this laugh about a certain 'royal favourite' who used to give a 'russian' back massage to prince is how she earned her 'portrait-on-the-wall' within the hallowed etc etc....just living the dream....however, in real life and real terms....she should have been employed in an S/M parlour, rather than copying everything that was given to her, in order to 'live the dream'....can you guess who that might have been - milibands?

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