Friday 29 May 2020

...and so what else, can I add - dazzlenation?...except that I can now see why putin et al, had found it 'imperative' to bust a certain residence upon bankova street, central kiev/kyiv...the Ukrainians had obviously got one over him....see previous notes upon 'all of that'....additionally, and this is in relation to those spooky shots upon google maps....the colours change...reminds me of that old CIA colour-coded bases 'reich' number....and so what am I saying, here?...hmmm...McDonald 'n' SC had tried to enlighten the lot of them...although, as far as I can remember....some were more resistant to 'change' than terms of deprogramming from that whole satanic 'Zionist armageddon' NWO number....go figure.,+Ukraine,+02000/@50.4447638,30.4477635,3a,75y,19.29h,179t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipPeb_s1aUG8QFOX7HdEz_Gd_OrZSAo7zEJYHM7I!2e10!3e11!!7i5376!8i2688!4m5!3m4!1s0x40d4cf4ee15a4505:0x764931d2170146fe!8m2!3d50.4501!4d30.5234

younger as the turquoise 'kalinka' the LUX room....and so my next question is: how many 'kalinka' trees had there been, dazzlenation?

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