.....anyway, are we doing a sort of sun and moon thing, here - dazzlenation?...a 'sky' thing, at any rate.....see previous post....go figure:
Monday, 24 March 2025
.....and what's new with you, dazzlenation?...oh, i see...the twat-upon-a-radio-desk at the fan museum....had no idea of french etc etc whilst 'on-the-toilet'....lol....a very stupid little grey mouse, indeed....with pretensions.....hmmm....reminded me somewhat of how simon lyons used to be....anyway, the overview is the mirror, dazzlenation...in relation to scarlett's 1980 russian course 'tibetan-rope-trick' with tomlinson climbing it, to disappear at the top...."they do it with mirrors" replies BI online....exactly that....the rope contained a metal pole....tomlinson climbed up the pole into a cylindrical metal structure and promptly disappeared....it was that high up - and 'mirrored'...to reflect the 'grey skies' all around...if however a plane or bird had passed by...those on-the-ground might have spotted the trick...and we had been made to stand a considerable distance away, i might add.....and not allowed to 'go around the back' and so presumably scarlett hadn't bothered to mirror the entire cylinder etc etc....go figure:
....anyway, this monday morning, a delightful package came up - dazzlenation....regarding the 'conflation' of the two i.e. cum{mi}n and (cu)cumberbatch....lol...in relation to tards-on-the-steal without {fans}, let us say.....go figure:
Sunday, 23 March 2025
.....and what's new this sunday evening, dazzlenation?...er....i think that you'd wanted a reminder of the following....plus marr had left 'a christmas carol' upon the timer system....remember his bone-to-pick with antonia byatt (a bit of a 'sally-tallant-less' let us say) and that crooms hill house?....lol....see previous posts....go figure:
....and what's new this sunday morning, dazzlenation?...tardville have f**ked up....moore is dead and younger has his head in his hands - guess 'why'?...lol....oh and a clue for former-rear-admiral-losey....you had wanted a reminder of that whole prince-andrew-fishwick-dr-tonysmith-saga via 'flowers' upon CH4 (now on netflix) because of brenda's 'kendal' family and the indian 'rope trick'...more laughter....go figure:
Friday, 21 March 2025
...however, if 'superstition' is key today - dazzlenation....well, guess what's on my reddit homepage....'in comments' - aldi homemade trolley hack keys are mentioned...."with a curse added" replies BI online...lol...and what else?...well, the other day - a brummie delivery man was to tell me that aldi was "refurbing" in clacton....and yes, it's closed down temporarily - apparently it will open again next thursday....go figure:
....and what is new upon the BBC homepage, dazzlenation?..."queen of the night" replies BI online...yes, it's a sort of 'lisa' role, isn't it....in point of fact 'petrol nell' had wanted to usurp her, in that role....see previous notes upon 'the house of dolls' etc etc....anyway, a £22bn 'black hole' is mentioned more than once, in comments....go figure:
....and what's new this friday evening, dazzlenation?...a fire at an electrical substation close to heathrow airport....with ed milliband as energy secretary....hmmm...the CID had once despaired of him..."a hopeless drug addict"....oh and remember his electronic 'furby' children etc etc...doesn't bode well, does it....this spring equinox...not that i'm remotely superstitious....lol....most phenomena can be explained scientifically...even metaphorical nonsense surrounding inkhorns 'n' dark matter etc etc....go figure:
....and what's new this friday morning, dazzlenation?...well, a bit cryptic......lol...how to pronounce 'keshet' in hebrew....go figure:
Thursday, 20 March 2025
....and what's flashbak on then - dazzlenation?..."he's scary enough as it is" replies BI online....lol....see previous post..."heroin cult"...well, he'd been addicted to crack more than heroin but 'same difference' i suppose....remember how rickson's heroin crew used to meet up in that colchester pub to scare each other witless with 'projections', let us say - whilst etc etc....anyway, i'm also reminded of 'talking heads' and their heroin addiction...in relation to 'the-road-to-nowhere' and the 'big-white-suit' etc etc.....anyway, the technology had first been used by MI6 'sawer' as far as i can recall....remember CIA mcdonald and his 'annoying orange' nightmare...one of those videos in which had been inserted a 'white noise' fallout screen with a dodgy looking figure talking in a low voice...a hellish interruption from the deep, let us say...as if 'annoying orange' hadn't been bad enough etc etc...lol......go figure:
....and what's new this thursday evening, dazzlenation?...well, the only thing that I've got so far....lol...makes about as much sense as your anime does....and if we converge the two...'skull'tutankhamen and the puffin' penguins?....a bit of an 'indie' rock group?....go figure:
.....and i'm not quite sure what you're on about, dazzlenation - at present...but we shall see...lol....go figure:
....and what's new this thursday morning, dazzlenation?...well, remember how i had once been part of M1 as a mathematician but that was to change fast and in the early days, i might add...."cipolla's crew" replies BI online....yes, the 'replacements-upon-the-system'.....who were then to find out that they couldn't do what we could do etc etc...see previous notes upon the history of 'all of that' i.e. remember john baker's hoax ?....along with inga hoping to 'copy' creative thinking, regarding her ingabot - in order to replace me with her brain-damaged offspring and quite literally...something that hanni gloor had also believed...lol...remember grandpa clayton telling me as a young child - during ingabot's christening that 'hanni' was the real problem - hence that 'exclusive' 60s photograph, at st mary's combs etc etc....and so let me see....replaced by what, precisely?...."a completely controllable mind control slave"...exactly that....and then the mossad got-in-on-the-act with maggy/rodway-u-don't-like...more laughter...and doing the same sort of thing.....honestly, i mean to say - ingabot wasn't much of a sister but she was better than that.....anyway, this morning - we have....well, i'll leave that till later...oh, you want to know, now?.....okay, so a little bird told me that those at the top of the civil service had privately agreed that a re-test was a good idea...puts faith in the whole thing, doesn't it?......and that they were quite willing to do it, themselves...considering the 'dross' that had been allowed in etc etc....and also a challenge, that they could easily surmount because it was a 'fun' idea, in a way....to show all and sundry that the 'old boys' could still etc etc..."fire a cannon" replies BI online...i'm not sure where you're going with 'that one' but anyway - and yes, they had all been men-at-the-top.....and the vote?....well, it was a 'silent' one, let us say....with 70% for a re-test whilst 30% said 'no'....although i was informed later on that had become 29%....lol....let me hazard a guess....if government went ahead and had re-tests......how much would a 30% or 29% reduction in the civil service save?...definitely more than what the government can get - riding on the backs of those upon disability benefits.....and in relation to kendall 'n' reeves - just like lisa...'hidden joos' upon the system, let us say....do the maths....lol....roughly 5 or 6 billion...go figure.
Wednesday, 19 March 2025
...and what's new this wednesday evening, dazzlenation?...well, time for something completely different....i digress....whilst on my cycle up to the telecommunications tower at holland-on-sea and back....i was to pass that house-on-the-end with a large stained glass tree in one of the windows.....now, i had known that sarah holliday had been behind the original design (remember 'bristol blue glass'?)....ling's radio witches opined that it was 'quite nice' etc etc....and yet, i had thought it horrible.....what had sarah been up to etc etc...and now i can finally remember 'why'....hmmm....how do i explain this...firstly, i was reminded of winnie's hairdressing salon - in the 80s....being a punk goth - she used to encourage her mainly senior citizen clientele to have 'punky' rinses with their perms....light pink/purple/blue/green etc etc....and looking at that tree....it looked like a green perm job....i then thought - sarah must have left it as a memory aid to 'something'...and now i know 'what'...petrol nell with a ronald mcdonald wig...waving her fingers in front of sarah's drugged eyes....anyway, if we're still on 'trees'...the BBC has an article to chime in with the general theme etc etc....go figure:
.....and what else, dazzlenation?...well, simply this....considering the fact that so many got in by cheating the civil service exam (wealthy parents)....."toby macklin is a case in point" replies BI online....it is quite clear that civil servants should be put through the same 'rigorous' procedure as disability benefits claimants, in order to receive their government 'hand-out'......."the same indignity'....precisely that....and that is because the government funds them as much as it does, disability claimants....therefore they should be asked to attend a job centre interview, every so often, in order to retake their original but updated 'civil service' test.....to ensure that they are still 'up-to-the-mark' in terms of being the-power-behind-government....naturally job centres will need security teams regarding invigilation of the exams, in case further 'cheating' occurs.....lol....if government really wants to get rid of those useless lumps of etc etc...they will use that 're-testing' exam, to get rid of vast numbers of them...."don't know how you passed the first one"...isn't that the point?....hmmm...again, i am reminded of 'rodway' and her entry point into MI5....BI had been previously online, to tell me that she had been a "fat slag with pretensions"....as sonia fisher had outlined...."as cheap as white, sliced bread"...anyway, regardng rodway - a fat slag/hyacinth bucket number...you wouldn't have thought that anybody could manage both in-one-go....however, she had done 'just that'....as it goes ,eh?
....and what else, dazzlenation?...well, if you posited who were the 'across' ones vs the up-and-down ones...well, you know who the 'up-and-down' ones are - the sephardim.....see previous notes upon 'all of that'.....and if any 'lay-person' was to wonder why I include 'algorithmic' jobs after certain images....well, it is simply because they had been so easy to 'break'....in relation to being a mathematician....and i had wanted to make that clear to certain people, let us say...lol....nota bene that taschmann/baal shem tov number and his satellite-marr satmar joos etc etc....remember how hughes had been given a script with which to encrypt the maths that i had given her?...that script was then translated into etc etc......go figure:
Tuesday, 18 March 2025
.....and what new contributions does flashbak have, dazzlenation?...let's scroll down....lol...first thought upon seeing 'that one' - rodway...regarding your perfect 'middle-class' kitchen, dazzlenation....with a sidelong glance at maggy-u-don't-like with her hammer...because 'god' was apparently unfair, seeing as she had been 'behind the door' when he was handing out blessings etc etc....go figure:
"reeves and kendall" replies BI online....well, that is mildly amusing...the mossad 'black-hair' network etc etc...and where would you find them on this diagram?...i suppose - about 'there'....go figure:
.....and what's new upon my reddit homepage, dazzlenation?...well, i was reading an article about trump's plans for greenland, on the BBC - the other day....anyway, i'm not sure if you've got anything to match...and so i'll just put it with your cipolla/baba-yaga/chicken-legs-tv....anyway, apparently the 'joke' according to one reddit comment....is that kinder eggs are illegal in the US - owing to the 'choking hazard' element i.e. toy inside.....go figure: