Wednesday 16 October 2024

 .....and what else, dazzlenation?...well, remember the 'extractor fan' that MI6 younger had meddled is attached to the ceiling of my linen cupboard...the one that 'peter' is coming round to replace, today...anyway, the one that younger had meddled with - regarding donna's flat and central heating etc hasn't worked in so long that i cannot remember precisely when he had tampered with it etc etc....anyway, the following clump was also to come up....and i can only conclude that mcgowan must have put a bit of weight alice in wonderland 'fan' programmers?...well, my extractor fan was put down as a 'lost in space' number, by moore - who had accompanied younger, regarding the symbolic etc etc.....and of course i begin to wonder now....if this is really all about those MI5 files that rimington had managed to 'lose-in-the-system' - circa 1980.....lost in space - had certainly signified something like that, to moore...additionally, even though we had normally called mcgowan by his surname, at all saints primary school...a surname that hanni gloor could remember and for obvious reasons....his first name had been 'leslie'.....marr was to immediately make jokes about etc etc....i then told his gang that hanni had said that it could be both a boy's and a girl's name etc etc......go figure:

anyway, i have been recently informed that mcgowan is about to turn up at belle court...on an 'extraction' what could that be all about, then - eh?

oh and mcgowan's current address, is coming up, via a radio file - marines...ashmore road, greenwich:

and then a couple of other locations came up, dazzlenation...firstly this 'alien' job in gunnersbury park...planet 'drizzar' anybody?

and then this 'disraeli gardens' putney relation to the garden bench:

remember 'divine' chapman and putney bridge etc etc:

anyway, just throwing things out experimental school project, as far as i can recall...what could the kids remember etc etc....nota bene quasi-collie's insistence that the human brain tends to firstly identify outlines of shapes, to then etc etc:

kind of weird what you come across, isn't it:

"bluetooth" replies BI online:

and so yes, this is all more than a bit 'deja vu' - dazzlenation.....regarding the final location...and yes, mcgowan had said "there's a lily pad pond there" etc etc....go figure:

anyway, in a rather alternate universe, dazzlenation....remember moore running armstrong, who in turn had run oscar etc etc:

oh and they don't do SKY Q services...hyperoptics, anybody etc etc....go figure:

"a bit like an acorn" - litvinsky had said:

oh and i might as well add, as a postscript....those that had been in 4U - who could remember...and let us backtrack now, to the 1970s ...the first day of my 'induction' into their class....and yes, some of them had decided to remind me of etc etc......anyway, let me see the whole picture....and yes, timothy bolton, lyn wilcox, michael philpotts etc etc could all remember....anyway - let's roll back the decades to langley junior first day....sylvia had taken me in, with her beloved son - RH.....we were both made to stand in mr montgomery's office - the headmaster of the school, whilst the adults discussed etc etc...during which sylvia had told montgomery, in no uncertain terms...and very loudly and vehemently indeed - what a worthless, idle, stupid girl...nobody and nothing etc etc...i had been to a school in paris and looked down upon british schools  as a consequence etc etc...whilst her son 'humphrey' was a model of perfection....he stood by her, smiling...i didn't know where to look...RH aka 'humphrey' had violently attacked ms harmer at all saints primary - after she had shown him up for not being as 'capable' as his own year group and then put down a year....whereas, i had been something of a 'teacher's pet' and won the maths prize, at the same school, in london - having 'fitted in' without a problem....anyway, elliot put 2 and 2 together - to  make relation to sylvia's vitriolic tirade...elliott then went back to 4U in order to tell them that i wasn't a nice girl, at all and to act accordingly...i.e. i should be taught a lesson - seeing as i thought that i was 'better' than all of them etc etc....and the result?....well, who didn't approve of mrs elliott's advice, at that school?.... i.e. to take me down a peg or two or worse....which had then resulted in such bullying - by susan baker's gang etc etc....."extended to the whole class" replies BI online....well, not the boys, in the main (most of them, were to come out upon my side) - only the girls...and the bullying was terrible...likewise at home - extreme bullying by sylvia...psychologically cruel - knowing she had her 'target' in a bind etc services were always the threat, if i didn't comply to her bullying and threats etc etc.."you think i'm bad..." she used to gloat, with a ghastly grin on her face etc etc...."do you know what social services are really all about?" etc etc...anyway, as her mother, violet clayton - had once said - sylvia had been one of the most terrible bullies out, at combs village school etc etc........and in relation to what had then happened to me at langley juniors?...well, sylvia had made sure that etc etc.....apart from one child - who was then to befriend me...the most popular girl in the class, at that time...isn't it all  so odd?....additionally, the only child who had admitted to being jooish, at point i.e. kathryn stocks (because of one of her parents - before, so many others, who were to 'come out' that is i.e. then decided that they were really 'jooish' too e.g. deb mcd - in relation to her father being a 'mason' a candle to lucifer upon a friday night etc etc)......anyway, remember where I had been made to sit (the first day at langley juniors) under the watchful eye of norwegian intelligence 'christine' and her bully-girl assistant 'susan baker' - not to mention the violently abusive 'jayne butler' - to my left.....not to mention 'deb mcd' - to my right, under the control of 'joy rich' (soon to be a holliday 'queen urania').....anyway, having remembered what had happened in montomery's i had 'melted' in shame - burnt bright red, at such humiliation - at sylvia's hands....buried deep in my subconscious....because it had all been too 'shameful'....branded - by sylvia, in front of authorities that should have known better etc etc....and even before i had even begun at that you see how it went?....and yet how easy it get rid of that shame, later on...once you have unearthed the whole it goes, eh?

.....oh and i'm not sure what's going on here, dazzlenation...but previous posts....go figure:,-9.3906554,3a,90y,337.8h,1t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipOPzIeNI62MOHqRkVsuEMal-47AhIe3m4AFpmLV!2e10!3e11!!7i5656!8i2828!4m9!3m8!1s0xd1edac0235d438d:0x74c0a6e0c1a71680!8m2!3d38.7976627!4d-9.3906554!10e5!14m1!1BCgIgARICCAI!16zL20vMGdiYzZy?coh=205409&entry=ttu&g_ep=EgoyMDI0MTAxNC4wIKXMDSoASAFQAw%3D%3D

...however, we're certainly on 'la chasse', that much is clear:

with a reference to en-gag-ment rings, perhaps?

anyway, this is what you are calling 'the evil tomb of batibat' - any rate, that is what my sixth sense is picking up 'why' that should be, is another question:

and what else, dazzlenation?...well, how come there is a shoe-change, here....why the water bottle between her legs....yes i know that everybody does that...but not for a photo etc etc....looks slightly obscene......oh and not forgetting the golden globe - not given for acting, one figure:

anyway, i now 'get' this and it is a george clooney thing - hence the supreme court short, he could remember a black female programmer....a rodway way type....hence the woman to the right, who is wearing a similar type of floral etc etc to what rodway used to wear, in terms of summer trousers/leggings....the same sort of floral pattern and colours....oh and 'batibat' is again, something around rodway - running her gang of gay prostitutes etc etc....go figure:,-9.3908596,3a,90y,81.4h,74.82t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipM3r9pRLy2PjUD846QPfCHCqZRGOyIErr1DDGOb!2e10!3e11!!7i8704!8i4352!4m9!3m8!1s0xd1edac0235d438d:0x74c0a6e0c1a71680!8m2!3d38.7976627!4d-9.3906554!10e5!14m1!1BCgIgARICCAI!16zL20vMGdiYzZy?coh=205409&entry=ttu&g_ep=EgoyMDI0MTAxNC4wIKXMDSoASAFQAw%3D%3D

come to think of it - she's reminding me of sylvia too, in that flowery dress with a summer hat on....all of those decades ago, now...oh and as stephanie shaw et al, had laughed..."she's drunk!"....woodall went to investigate, along with headmaster front of the whole school upon that playing field...seated around the racetrack for sports day....sylvia then told them that i had told her that she wasn't allowed to go and that was why she had turned up - with her baying bassethounds....and yes, i had read montgomery's letter to her - addressed to all parents and given to every child in the school, in the hope that etc etc.....woodall then blamed me for the whole lot....a bit like ramsay used to do....i hadn't 'managed' her properly....i was 10 years old, for heaven's sake but everybody had to handle sylvia with kid gloves....oh and after woodall had forced me to go and have a word with her...she then threw a punch at me...the whole school laughed as i managed to duck etc etc....oh and there's more....roll on the years, browne was to recount the whole thing to her high wycombe business school relation to just how easy it was to use and abuse me...she then encouraged them to join her in etc etc....hmmm...last but not least...i was aware that sylvia was brain-damaged (before whalley 'n' stenson were to confirm it) the back of my mind, at any rate....having ended up in A&E with a half-closed eye - at the age of 5...just after having been adopted by oscar 'n' sylvia....anyway, an MI5 operative was to then pick me up and lead me through the hospital....sylvia had been detained...."she has something wrong with her brain" he was to tell me...but apparently they would fix that and then everything should be all  right....and having been dropped off at 2 st austell road....i can remember oscar in tears, telling toddy that he had been forced into marrying her etc etc....frags and fraggles,....and i was supposed to manage sylvia...without support and help, i might add...and from the earliest of ages...she then proceeded to drive me 'mad' as browne was to laugh....munchausen's by proxy, anybody etc etc....and yes, MI5 evans et al - have finally found those lost files, after so long....remember rimington-as-archivist up to no good?....the whole lot had been it goes, eh?

 .....anyway, i haven't found your obese tree-dwelling demon, as yet - dazzlenation...however, MI5 evans' german team were to leave a note - regarding the following...make of it what you will....and well, it looks like a fountain....manon de source and all that...."the fountain of youth" replies BI online...oh, okay - a holliday number, then? figure:,-9.3906554,3a,15y,307.49h,96.77t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipNc8SIYrdXYYGgAKOYNUV7wptF90nKLmFYxpDzR!2e10!3e11!!7i8704!8i4352!4m9!3m8!1s0xd1edac0235d438d:0x74c0a6e0c1a71680!8m2!3d38.7976627!4d-9.3906554!10e5!14m1!1BCgIgARICCAI!16zL20vMGdiYzZy?coh=205409&entry=ttu&g_ep=EgoyMDI0MTAxNC4wIKXMDSoASAFQAw%3D%3D

 ......hmmmm.....something around 'mr swann' programming - dazzlenation?...."royal protection" replies BI online....go figure:

 ....anyway, rather an odd stitch-up on google maps - dazzlenation.....see previous post....go figure:,-9.3906554,3a,90y,175.58h,81.4t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipPyyYvKpsNmzh0fGVIb7qiZNl94g2RqwiDcvrqt!2e10!3e11!!7i5656!8i2828!4m9!3m8!1s0xd1edac0235d438d:0x74c0a6e0c1a71680!8m2!3d38.7976627!4d-9.3906554!10e5!14m1!1BCgIgARICCAI!16zL20vMGdiYzZy?coh=205409&entry=ttu&g_ep=EgoyMDI0MTAxNC4wIKXMDSoASAFQAw%3D%3D

 ....and what's new this wednesday evening, dazzlenation?...something that mcgowan had wanted to chase up....with a sidelong glance at britten and 'manon' the shepherdess....hmmm....remember rodway laughing that her students would all come home, leaving their tails/tales behind them - in prague?....go figure:

Le roi s'en va-t'en chasse,

Dans le bois des Bourbons,

Mon aimable bergère,

Dans les bois des Bourbons,

Bergère Nanon.

Ne trouve rien en chase,

Ni cailles, ni pigeons,

Mon aimable bergère,

Ni cailles, ni pigeons,

Bergère Nanon.

Rencontre une bergère

Qui dormait dans les joncs,

Mon aimable bergère,

Qui dormait dans les joncs,

Bergère Nanon.

"Voulez vous être reine,

Dedans mes beaux donjons?

Mon aimable bergère,

Dedans mes beaux donjons,

Bergère Nanon?

"Vous aurez des carrosses

Et de l'or à faison,

Mon aimable bergère,

Et de l'or à faison,

Bergère Nanon.

"Et cour de grandes dames,

De ducs et de barons,

Mon aimable bergère,

De ducs et de barons,

Bergère Nanon."

"Merci, merci, beau Sire,

Mais j'aime un pauv' garçon,

Qui aime sa bergère,

Mais j'aime un pauv' garçon,

Qui aime Nanon!"

Tuesday 15 October 2024

 ...additionally, the following is on the timer system - dazzlenation....all coming up as part of the same figure:

anyway, litvinsky had put it onto the timer system and so naturally one begins to wonder....more laughter....see previous posts: