Tuesday 15 October 2024

 ....and what else, dazzlenation?...well, pentagon brenda had been interested in what prince phillip had decided upon to represent the british colonial slave-driving empire.......in a very alternate dimension, of course....as in 'termites' regarding that program....let me guess, in terms of 'when-they've-had-their-term' etc etc...or simply in terms of rothschild 'blocks-of-wood' run by etc etc....see previous post....go figure:



anyway, mark r had chosen the following in terms of his 'variation' of the program:

Monday 14 October 2024

 ....and then we're onto another look-at-who's-moving-out job, dazzlenation...vanbrugh  terrace....lol....go figure:



anyway, there's a clock, however it was the seating arrangement which had been supposed to act as a reminder of etc etc:

and yes, we're back to vanbrugh terrace, again...with a sidelong glance at lisa's erstwhile desk:

oh and kate holliday had advised her sister sarah to look at the following, instead - granville park...apparently the garage etc etc....anyway, as far as i can remember - we've already had a look at 'that one'...aka the 'turtle'/man-without-a-face house etc etc...champagne socialism, eh?

wait a minute....somebody hiding in the clock?...lol:

....and what's new this tuesday morning, dazzlenation?...well, somebody had wanted a reminder of this movie....lol....the two seem to complement each other....rather colourful...even though there is no clock in your simpson's kitchen etc etc....go figure:




er....is this something around pat andrew?...the joke being that the artist has painted an impression of the suspect etc etc....and yes, somebody had darkened the contrast in order to make her look a bit more like pat than she would have done etc etc:

anyway, it's all a bit 'deja vu' - another private showing within a certain auditorium etc etc:

oh and has malcolm seen this etc etc....anyway, something around champagne socialism and the holliday mob:

 ....and what's new this monday evening, dazzlenation?....er....you're on 'cats' with a twist, perhaps....what about that umbrella/tail etc etc....let's have a look upon BBC weather maps....because my sixth sense is picking up on something like that although i have no idea 'why' as yet etc etc....go figure:



something around when the rat-catcher enters the picture?...all metaphorical, of course:

"the disturbing nature of cats" replies BI online...well, only if you don't like them - don't accept them for what they are etc etc....it's dogs that are the real problem in clacton - those that don't have a muzzle on but should do etc etc...cats don't attack you on the streets, do they - whereas i have seen so many dogs in public places, go for passersby and the owners don't seem to think that it's a problem etc etc:

i don't know what's on TV nowadays but in my day, we had barbara woodhouse teaching etc etc...perhaps it is time for a comeback?....go figure:

the james bond dog expert?....ah, brenda's reminder to talk about something that might or might not have happened....including a parallel - regarding what had happened upon london bridge - involving a narwhal tusk attack.....hmmmm...something around that MI6 crew having drugged up etc etc in that hall....thought that their drugging/reprogramming session had worked, to then find out etc etc.....and the parallel?...well, barbara had previously had something like that, happen.....in short, she had been given a drugged up highly dangerous dog....all in the cause of even bigger TV ratings etc....which had then bitten her etc etc....and so i take it that we're on both cats and dogs, today?....go figure.

and then we're back to the holliday family and 'dog' training for people:

 ....and what else is 'new' this monday morning, dazzlenation?...well, following an email from EON NEXT to supply my latest gas/electricity readings....i was to go out with the intent of having a look in that indoor room, that houses the electricity meters - within the other half of the building, in which 'belle court' CHP residents have their access point, to their flats....which used to be called 'jackson court', however i do not know what it is called, nowadays.....see the history upon 'all of that'....anyway, bizarrely enough - the new code that CHP had supplied their tenants with...doesn't work...however, the old code does (as had happened, the last time)....and so i gained entry to that 'other half' of the building....to then walk down the corridor and have a look at the electricity meter room door (same code for the outside door, works for that interior door)....and was taken aback by a large notice upon it...along the lines of - nobody should enter because of rat pesticide......hmmm...and so how are belle court residents supposed to take electricity meter readings, in the interim, then?....and in a very alternate dimension - i am reminded of a certain conversation, that i had been pulled into - by a certain holland & barrett assistant and one of her regular customers....the latter had wanted to get rid of rats, in her home...her cat kept catching them and she couldn't bear it...."even the mice babies" etc etc..." but that's what cats do" i retorted, in a gentle voice etc etc.....the assistant was to laughingly tell me that her father had kept rats as pets...and proceeded to tell me that the kind way to get rid of them was to invest in a certain trap, to then drive off and dump them in the countryside etc etc....and yet, didn't seem to know that all animals hate what-ever-it-is....e.g. a certain smell/odour/herb/plant/flower/shrub/tree etc etc and that could also be a possibility - which her customer (who hadn't wanted an 'inhumane' way of dealing with them - rats or mice, that had infested her home) appeared to agree with...the assistant then began to look it up on her mobile phone...."that is a good idea!" etc etc...after that conversation, i was then to have look upon the internet, myself....lol....what might keep rats/mice at bay, in terms of fauna and flora, rather than simply having a cat etc etc....although it has to be said that simply having a cat - appears to be the best deal, out - according to my mind...even if they do tend to come in and dump their latest 'kill' at your feet etc etc...in short, you have to be very careful around other people's 'sensibilities' don't you?....go figure.

Sunday 13 October 2024

 ....and what else, dazzlenation?...vampires been haunting your dreams, again....hmmm...whilst i'm looking at M&S 'rakeman' who looks a bit like a supernatural villain in a  horror movie...he surfs the grass, like a vampire...pulled by invisible strings?...uses his rake as if he were practising martial arts....oh and starts off with pretending to be a 'golfer' etc etc....to whit, if i saw somebody acting like that in a london park....i'd give him a very wide berth, indeed.....lol.....anyway, remember gill raking the leaves whilst in 'scorpion' alter at that south of france templar castle event etc etc....hmmm...oh i remember now - we're back to chopsticks on the black keys....as children we had been told that it was symbolic of a scorpion...the sting and the etc etc....go figure:



oh and somebody has put together what might just be a better soundtrack to the 'autumnal mood' of the above M&S video...with a 'vampiric' tone, to the imagery:

oh and what's lurking in that pile of leaves, dazzlenation?...additionally, somebody suggests in comments...'once upon a dream' as a suitable soundtrack...instead of the castanets?

living the dream, eh?....after henry fuseli..."not to be confused with museli" as the prague rothschild had once quipped:

 ....and what's new this monday morning, dazzlenation?...well, remember playing 'chopsticks' upon the black piano keys etc etc....oh and what about laura's pottery 'chopstick holder' etc etc....anyway, we're on what whalley had called 'when-two-frags-go-to-war' (remember her love of frankie-goes-to-hollywood) with a direct look at what rodway 'n' sylvia had been up to...pink custard, anybody?...and yes - rodway could remember that 'reform school' number, too....only too well, as it turned out...considering the fact that she had been behind the murder of stephanie cropper, whilst at all saints primary - "she's prettier than me" etc etc...framing up tim 'n' sim, for it - in the process...and yes, cropper had died in the arms of mills - having been taken back to talbot place, after that terrible event at lunchtime, upon the heath....cyanide, apparently...and so who had been the stephanie cropper mark II that i was to meet, much later on - roll on the years etc etc..aparently a ruse to comfort moore..."unsuccessfully" replies BI online...."he knew it wasn't her"...oh and the very same actress had also posed as jacob rothschild's daughter in his fictional documentary, regarding family 'n' inheritance etc etc..and so the question remains - what had sylvia done, then?...her brothers at that memorial - appear to be framing her up as a murderous bully....uncle bobby' recites a 'humourless' anecdote about her trying to kill him, whilst in his pram....whilst uncle michael talks about how she had utterly humiliated him at her oxford college, in public - as a young boy etc etc....and what else?...well, add to the mix - the prague rothschild laughing about rodway et al....the original 'garbage pail kids' who ended up down the sewers....whilst referring to a drain cover...a suitable epitaph etc etc?...something that sylvia had avoided - regarding russian intelligence....hmmm...perhaps her midwifery in prague - regarding putin 'n' mededev's wife had gained her etc etc....anyway, litvinsky was to talk about 'noise machines' as being 'explosive' let us say..."a russian bomb - the fallout"...yes something along those lines....anyway, we now have the following.....hashi makura (something that rodway had once had, in her handbag) opposed to hashi oki....'makka-da-money vs 'okey-dokey'?....go figure:

https://www.shutterstock.co' /image-photo/pair-japanese-chopsticks-on-chopstick-260nw-2240865855.jpg


and what else?...er nazi 'footstool' programming, anybody?