Saturday 8 November 2014

anyway, I was then to cycle  down a bit remember MCGOWAN warning me not to approach this red van 'the last time that this program had run' because it would be too dangerous - and so I hadn't done....I might add that another car was to turn up behind that red van and hoot at it...both men were involved, weren't they?

this time around I figured that I didn't care...I would chance see I had remembered what had happened to cathy and colin......they had both been taken into that van and programmed with 'whatever is inside of it'....they were then memorydumped....Tomlinson had instructed Duncan Campbell to be in charge of...whatever it was....

afterwards - colin was to buy 'shit-coloured shoes' as cathy was to call it...she was to ask him was a memory aid to that sofa, for some reason...

I might add that there was another man involved...a cyclist who was supposed to have turned up...I was to see him later I continued to cycle back to Clacton...a thin, blue-eyed man...short grey hair...cycling rapidly up the path...he was to recognise me, as he passed by at top speed...

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