Saturday 8 November 2014

anyway, I then saw what I thought was a 'kite' but then realised that it was a 'handglider'....I was tracking and tracing what cathy and colin were to 'work out'...or in the process of working out...

this was something to do with mcdonald's FALL program...colin was to see the image of a FALCON in his mind's eye...the FALL-CON....

...and the colours of that handglider will be something to do with the signalling, that they had seen...the red and the yellow...

although US INTELLIGENCE knew about a blogger icon...'a turning ball' - something around 'the yellow and the green' and then 'the yellow and the light blue/turquoise'....basic colours in relation to paintings...let me think...who would have been given 'yellow and light blue'? cathy perhaps? they have coded out BLOGGER to 'out' a signal...the coloured ball...changing and blue on the vertical then change to yellow on the horizontal access etc...

and then 'light blue/turquoise to green'...who knows?

anyway, the instructor, below...was doing a large amount of hand signalling...hand signals that didn't appear to be anything to do with flying....additionally it wasn't ordinary 'hand signalling' for the deaf....

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