Tuesday 20 February 2018

...and what else?

eudaimonia.....hmmm...and an added note....'the spirit of the EU'...something to do with macron's programming....and the following...remember rimington as a 'green goddess'?...and so what can one say but....what had the following people, found out?... to then reveal in this 'show but not tell' photograph?...the 'black beast' in the photo....hmmm...david miliband's programming as a 'jaguar' slave of prince William, was also to come up - as part of the clump....and in relation to a shield - ill cult armaments trafficking?....go figure:

remember Tomlinson and his 'golden mean' opposed to 'golden middle'? david miliband had typed it all up, for him...some sort of tract explaining the 'meanness' - regarding the ill cult etc etc...whilst in that 'house of O' in france....go figure:

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