Saturday 22 July 2017

...Shadow Out Of Time...or 'soot' for short (see previous notes upon the sooty and sweep channel)....

"He discovers that the Yithians on Earth died out eons ago, their civilization destroyed by a rival, utterly alien pre-human race described as "half-polypous" creatures, but the Yithian minds will inhabit new bodies on Earth after humanity is long gone"

...where did you get that image, dazzlenation...because I had thought that I had read most of the tintin books but I cannot remember 'that one'...hmmm....'the shadow out of time'....H P LOVECRAFT...

....I that what happened to the DTO staff, then?...ha ha ha but I suppose that it's not really funny, as hanni was to tell me...see below:

....and the only thing that can defeat them, is the following:
"Their minds were so strange that the Great Race of Yith could not perform psychic transfers with them."
how hideously your mind 'so strange' etc etc....McDonald?
anyway, the ill cult 'run-on-chip' drug addicts are making it particularly difficult for me to upload any more images for this particular post....can you guess why?...and yes, they don't want that flying polyp image to go up, for some reason....go figure.

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