Saturday 25 March 2017,-memorials-and-statues/general-wolfe-statue

what else? looks so like the young lad...that I was to see in the library, yesterday...whilst choosing dvds....and yes I know what that was all about now....he had been told that he could choose up to 8....and in the adult rather than children's section of the library....remember MOD 'factors'....ha ha ha...he only found 3....and none of them were 'right'....go figure:

...and now he is reminding me less of 'little colin' and more of RH....who had severe behavioural problems at Blackheath primary (he attacked a teacher, violently) and was 'backward' in class...unlike Michael Richardson's gang...until scarlett was to give him an uber-chip....which meant that he could retain vast amounts of data 'on chip'....and so my guess is that they are going to probably do the same, to that young lad...."he'll end up a drug-dealer in LA" replies BI ONLINE....go figure.

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