Wednesday 19 October 2016

snips from the film IMAGINE ME & YOU...along with a shot of the grey man's flat, this these images require an explanation?...I am not sure that they do....go figure:

that 'hint of  green' in interior shots - see opening bedroom scene of IMAGINE ME & YOU - and the pressing of the 'red button'...go figure:

all I am going to say, is this...the candy brothers knew that it had been made to 'please' that Rothschild....(remember david milliband's clue - "I feel like a lesbian with you" remark?)....and they were to work it out, from there...go figure. The imagination, of course...knows no boundaries...and if you happen to be an old-timer with a girl child alter...with a certain 'queer streak' in relation the film and work it out.

...perhaps I should also add...."that the parrots had produced it" replies BI ONLINE...did they? okay...well whoever had produced it....had wanted to celebrate that Rothschild's 'pinnacle of success' does one put it...saving the lives of his braindead an injection of....braincells - stolen from remoteviewers....whereupon it was hoped that the ill would be able to steal all of the so-called-magical-creature ability, from those people..."and use it against them" replies MI5 ONLINE...

...and well - obviously, the ill had no idea of 'the life of the soul'...and nor had they any real understanding of biology - in relation to 'how braincells work'....go figure.

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