Thursday 21 July 2016

the princess and the pauper (in terms of titles and not money)...maybe the porn star hopes to change places at some point in time? a 'substitution' upon the system -  given enough 'plastic surgery'?...see previous notes upon what kate and pippa's real backgrounds had been and 'go figure'....

...oooh let's be a bitch, eh - all-gay/algae team?....but at the same time - tell the truth....something that gay culture has often done....and the truth about gay culture, has often been thrown 'back/bach' at gay men, everywhere - upon henry makow's site...go figure...."if you're going to give it out - you've got to be able to take it back" replies MI5 ONLINE.

I am straddling an inelegant balance between 'gay and straight' here (as an erstwhile member of the algae team - see previous notes) but that is what this blog is all about, isn't it?.....what mark r, McDonald, gill, CF.....the whole lot of them...were 'all about'...go have to be able to well as be able to take criticism...that is all I can say....

so what's next?

well the next thing upon the 'timer system' is the following:

"the gated response" - from the foreign office....

re-interpreted by the taschmanns as the GAY-TED-RESPONSE....which was to consist of....the taschmanns assuming a pose....which began with a 'limp wrist'....and other arm extended in a similar pose but lower foot off the floor...a sort of 'failed arabesque, you might say....and that 'FREEZE!' MOD pattern 'constellation' set.....go figure.....

what else?

well that 'all gay' team's towel....the blue and white one, on sale in M&S, not that long ago.....although there is a new blue and white towel on sale there, now...which is an inferior product....

anyway, the original had  COTE D AZURE upon it...along with ST TROPEZ.....AMALFI....and CAPRI....

the taschmanns had attempted to wrap themselves, together in that create an impenetrable circuit....go figure....

and 'this' was also to come up, this relation to the 'surrogate'...go figure:
"nobody else will know" Cameron had intoned to his 'conservative colleagues'...go figure....

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