Wednesday 4 May 2016

Did i mention that little colin's transmitter, in that canon camera...."a frequency set up by mcgowan" replies MI5...and it uses what we used to call the 'sooty and sweep' line?...because that is what it sounds like...if you are hearing it 'in real life'....the sound that the puppets 'sooty and sweep' used to make, in that tv series....but at about 12-3am in the morning - it is a sort of intermittent hi-pitched 'squeak' when it occurs - see previous notes upon that early morning nightmare etc etc....the frequency is almost subliminal but not quite and something that most people would put down to 'tinnitus' i suppose...

remember how sooty and sweep's 'handler' used to translate whatever they said, to the audience/children watching the show....weird, isn't it? in relation to the above....

anyway, mcgowan has a place in today's relation to a 'met colour coded' car....i was to take a couple of pics of cars 'that sort of colour' parked in and around belle court drive, this give the reader an idea of that type of colour...i tend to call it 'deep electric blue' or something like that...almost a 'royal blue' i suppose....

mcgowan and 'greenie's son' both drove the same type of car, in a very similar colour 'so many years ago now'...supposedly meant to reference 'the met' but probably more about..."royal arch freemasons" replies MI5 ONLINE. There is also 'one of those' parked outside of the last 'new house on-the-block' in front of belle court....go figure.

somebody with a remote has just turned my 'text on wordpad' to CALIBRI and number 11 in font (it had formerly been 'times new roman' and number 12).

...and so naturally i changed it back - to something 'more appropriate'...go figure. the number 11 is a satanic princess' number...go figure.

What else?

well this morning, i was to remember 'the met' as it well as greenie's son....looking at what i had done, this see - i had remembered a 'met' code upon the timer system...the metropolitan police had wanted to know who their 'tree programmers' were...i.e. people who walked in and out of 'the met'...i.e. the 'invisibles'...those who didn't necessarily work there...but went in, now and then - to reprogram the staff....see previous notes upon mcdonald and his KFC bucket, at whitehall (previous items had included a 'tickle stick' and most recently - bobby's mob had decided upon a duelling fencer's reference i.e. that 'hat pin' - the girl with the pearl ear-ring etc etc)....

...and so what had i worked out?

well this morning i was to walk through clacton see various 'memorial plaques' around (on benches etc) a few (some of them for the second or third time)....and then is more like a cemetery, in a way...if you can afford it....a certain small garden had been created to comemmorate (spelling?) somebody's parents and the name CHRISTABEL was to stick out in my mind.....christ-a-bel?...that small garden with a 'pineapple chip' palm reference - situated between the yachting pond and the last main garden on the prom.....oh i see...CF, again?...or skyler using his alias? (and having just reread this post - this evening - I can now verify that it had been skyler)....

anyway, having just walked through the sensory garden to see the gravestone/memorial of PC DIBELL for example....i was to wonder about clacton seafront...any seafront for that matter...full of 'memorials' and a bit like a discreet 'cemetery'.....

...and then i remembered 'something'....and it was the intonation of the following:


....and the SYMETRY....SI-MET-TREE....a reference to 'simon magus'....but also to the following....

mcgowan's 'electric blue cars mob' were to follow everything that i was thinking and doing...."that damn camera" replies MI5 ONLINE..."that transmitter device"....

....anyway, having realised what i was supposed to be doing...i walked back along the front...wondering what it was all about....yes, i had to identify 'met imposters' but who, when and where?

i studied i walked along the prom...nothing doing.....a few things took my interest but not for 'that' particular reason....whilst i 'scanned' everything within the vicinity, that it was possible to do....

it was only until i got back to town....and into M&S...that the whole thing began to 'gel'....

you see - before i was to take a walk upon the seafront.....i had already visited M&S to buy another of those black dresses...ribbed-material dresses...the one that i had bought a size 18 in, to begin with...but then realised that i might need a more 'fitted' number....and so then bought a size 14, today....(see previous notes upon 'ms monica lewinsky lookalike' needing a size 18 for 'her day in the flat)'....

anyway, i can use the size 18 - with a jumper underneath etc etc...useful for winter days....and those days when you just feel 'fat' and want something 'floaty' around you....rather than something that 'clings' a bit....ha ha ha - reminding me of the difference between CF and GILL...the GAF were a bit like that....(oh I 'get' it now - a reference to me telling Malcolm and daldry at that prague party 1995 - "you big girl's blouse!" something that grandpa clayton used to say now and then, to men/boys...daldry had never heard of the expression before...anyway, that 'discussion'  between the three of us, is pertinent to today's inquiry - in relation to daldry and Malcolm's skill at MORSE CODE....they were to demonstrate it...decoding each other's morse code strings etc etc....pertinent because this is all about that 'sooty and sweep' line...which is a sort of morse code....Russian intelligence were to gatecrash and hack...more upon 'that one' later on)....

Oh and before i forget...this was supposed to be little colin's 'dog day' in the flat....he had wanted to recall his so-called 'dogs'.....i don't think that 'martine' gill will be too happy, about 'that one' - see previous notes upon gill in 'alsatian' alter - "he hasn't got an alsatian" roz was to tell me in the CIA LAB "he's talking about gill" (who had gone to stay with him, for a while, at the time - anyway, this was all about CF - in relation to telling the ill cult 'consumer watchdog committee' that they had to allow him his 'dog' back or else....

.....inga and ingabot used to advise CF on 'how to act' - get the picture? wasn't just al pacino and his 'nancy/senate mob' - was it?.....and one then has to can somebody supposedly so 'intelligent' get it so wrong - in terms of handling those like 'martine and henry'?...answer: inga chip/ingabot and bobby's mob 'at the helm'.

...anyway, it was all 'something' that radio witches were to decide to 'go to war' against....i.e. nobody is allowed to call anybody a 'dog'....somebody who has not consented 'as an adult' "- and of their free will" - to such a role-in-life and certainly not to the conditions that 'little colin' used to decree....along the lines of:

"you have to clean my shoes!" to the answer "so i'm an au pair now, and not your PA, am i?" etc etc - "unpaid au pair - is that it?" and more "oh i see - i have to 'get your drugs for you' too? that means if anybody decides to prosecute - i get hanged for it - and YOU say "it was all the au pair's fault?"....(see previous notes upon the saatchis and their 'cleaning ladies' court case).

"cleaning lady" replies MI5 ONLINE (in the case of martine gill)...okay, then...the 'cleaning lady's fault'...are you happy with that description of yourself, martine?

martine was always a 'lady' you see....little gill had modelled his first 'girl child alter' upon stella rimington...go figure. You don't treat 'ladies' in that way, do you?

martine gill was never going to be anybody's 'dog' or their 'au pair' or their 'cleaning lady'...go figure.

...and i wasn't either...'martine and henry' were to 'get the whole number' early on...after having been treated 'in that way' by CF...."he had tried to treat you both in that way but failed" replies MI5 ONLINE...the problem is, he still appears to be trying to get his 'dogs' back...and that is still a problem - isn't it?

what else can i say? but that during obama's OVAL 'egg sandwich' re-allocation....i was given as one of a number of 'egg sand-witches' to an MI6 man.....he was to supposed to be the 'coddled egg' - to my 'egg sandwich'...go figure....and so upon the ill cult system...i am now being 'handled' by you see how it goes?

...what else?

let me see...'today' in a nutshell....i was supposed to look for the TREE PROGRAMMERS that had infiltrated the metropolitan police....and i then found the three main 'offenders'....i have no idea whether or not they actually work for 'the met' or not....

the first one, was 'easy'...something that i hadn't mentioned - and that was after watching a recent film-on-dvd....which included a scene in a french railway station...a portly man in a cardigan (not unlike the one that i was to wear for my interview at acorn villages ltd - buttons done up, to suggest a sweater)....a cardigan and overcoat (along with a hat - that reminds me of what kate middleton wore - for her VOGUE cover)....anyway, the character buys a dog, that is the 'mate' of his lady friend's dog, upon the railway station....the SYMMETRY of the two dogs...(and why do i remember it all, so clearly - those watching me 'watching that film' - had no idea why i had loved his 'character' so much.....because he had reminded me of the future and not of the past).....

if you want your main 'tree programmer' at 'the met'....look no further than above...the man walking through the amusement arcade.....on pier avenue, this morning....

secondly, i was to pick up his 'heads of command' within that nazi tree structure.....they were both in M&S this morning but at different times....

the 'first one' was in 'black shades'...and making a nuisance of himself by the entrance to pier banging upon the 'backboard' advertisement behind him.....he had a sort of 'army green ribbed jumper' on.....a rather old man....

the second one also had a sort of 'army green ribbed jumper' on....and i was to espy him later on.....after i had had my 'walk' along the beach and prom...anyway, he was wearing the same sort of 'army green ribbed jumper'....nearly bald, white cropped hair...with blue jeans and carrying an 'electric blue' bag....see previous notes upon mcgowan et al...the royal arch freemasonry network....oh and if you want more...his female companion had 'white' shoulder-length hair (a bit of a fringe).... wearing a flimsy white 'jacket of sorts' with a dark blue floral design to it....

anyway, once i had spotted the second-tree-programmer- to-appear-in-m&s today...he was to go 'bright red'...more to the point.....he was to whisper to his female companion....that once i had bought 'that soup'....well, that there was 'no hope' for any of them...see previous notes upon that SPICY CHICKEN ORIENTAL BROTH...isn't it all so weird? see previous notes upon the mossad and 'soup'.....

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