Sunday 5 July 2015

omg...and here is a similar looking young both berkelhammer and di palma 'on my name search'...what is going on here? I suppose that berkelhammer/turner were supposed to be 'in the flat' today...under varro's control...something like that?


let me see....'this lot' were programmers weren't they? see below...found on my name search:

and what about the PARTICLE PHYSICS crew at this university? ling had left a relation to that NO JUNK MAIL sign...a freebie at the library, the other just stick it to your letterbox, she had done - for a male friend to then quip "I'm not a junk male"...right on cue:

let me see...pattern recognition....

"it's a robot factory" replies MI5 ONLINE...regarding the above university...

yes, I can see where this is going now...the ill experimenting with closing down DNA and in relation to male junk DNA?

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