Tuesday 12 May 2015


...the grey bins had been cleared out in belle court bins room today...but somebody had left this 'reminder' outside of the main door...and I 'know' what this was all about...a reminder of how the ALLGAY/ALGAE team had managed to get themselves free...'off the system'...and it began to with locking 'col the sol' in a room..."because he'll find the way out" i.e. on his own - in the dark with nothing else to think about - anyway, once he had done so (they were watching his brainwave pattern at the time)...they all then formed a network and managed it...what else can I say?

additionally, the ALLGAY/ALGAE team had nicknamed rimington's team, the following:

AOIOAWC....something along the lines of 'all of it out - and went crazy'...referring to reproduction...

oh and it was the 'light green striped balcony bra'...which had been allocated to rimington's team...see previous notes upon M&S towels and balcony bras....so what was this 'insanity' all in aid of? I cannot remember as yet....only that it is possible...as VIZ appears to be inferring...that rimington and Norman's team were competing to 'run the royal balcony'? something along those lines?

http://www.marksandspencer.com/l/lingerie/bras/all-bras/?checkbox-accordion=on&facetOpen=true&checkbox-accordion=on&facets-4294962943-1=on&checkbox-accordion=on&checkbox-accordion=on&checkbox-accordion=on&checkbox-accordion=on&facets-4294964494-9=on&facetBrand=1&slider_Min_0=5&slider_Max_1=30&slider_Current_Min_0=5&slider_Current_Max_1=30&lastSelectedSize=&sortBy=product.is_new|1&display=model&resultsPerPage=96&pageChoice=1&selectedAccordions=checkbox-1|checkbox-2|checkbox-3|checkbox-4|checkbox-5|checkbox-6&cachedFilters= generic-4294962943 icon-4294964494+model+96+5+30+5+30

anyway, you can hardly see that it is light green and striped....in the images below:

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