Friday 3 April 2015

...I can remember watching 'this one' to laugh out loud...relatively recently...and yes, I had suggested to hulbrush 'pink bubbles' whilst at green tower...which work rather well, don't you think?

what I didn't get - the last time I was to look at this video...was the appearance of 'col the sol' in it - in cat alter?

...and so what was 'that' all about then? remind me...

"another lesson"?

...and then the 'grey and white one' undergoes metamorphosis - to become 'LE VIEIL' why did I swap the gender, in a previous post?

more to the point...why does col the sol change 'like water' into the 'old man' eh?

oh I see...the old man, in question -  being Richard harris?

...and why does he say vieux...and I say vieil....oh I see....'the old man of the sea' reference:

so this will be something about harris - I am sure of it:

and the audio will be important too...because that has been a main theme, this morning - hasn't it?
oh I remember now....SARAH HOLLIDAY saying "they'll never get it"....something around the C.....donna was to tap the Y....yesterday....
so 'this is the sea' was the equivalent of the HOLLIDAY desk's middle C on the piano....something like that?

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