Friday 20 March 2015


this evening I was to note the following - MY3 was still showing that 'sid hack' see previous notes and my 'usage' and 'top-up' pages were not recording the 'same amount of data' - which means that it is unsafe to top-up with the new top-up voucher that I was to buy in Sainsbury's, this morning.

secondly after managing to send off a complaint online to MY3....which was difficult enough because the first complaints online form that I was to look at...didn't tell me that you 'knock off' the +44 and add a 0 before the 7 of your number...and that meant my complaint wouldn't go through...until I found the second 'complaints form online' which helpfully told you to add a 0 before the you see how it goes? it might seem like common sense to those who are mobile phone 'literate' but i am not...i tend not to use my mobile unless for emergencies - and my mobile number is a different number to my dongle number...additionally, the dongle number begins with +44 on my online account.

anyway, having just managed to send the above complaint off, mobile phone then jingled...a text had been sent - and from this number:


I 'know' that 'all of this' is linked to MW's gang, yet again..."an out-of-order mental robots network" replies MI5 ONLINE....
having had a look at all of the complaints on drop-down menus...registered by MY3....well, I can now see why gill had figured that I shouldn't update my new debit card details - and that I should use top-up vouchers instead....
people were complaining about top-ups not showing up...and worse...'multiple amounts' taken from their accounts...which would mean that MY3's banking details database/card details database has been hacked....
MY3 is updating its services from this sunday onwards and no top-ups will be allowed during that time...let us hope it is all back to normal by mon/tues then?


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