Sunday 29 March 2015

let's have a look at what yahoonews has to offer, this evening:

etonians? they were programmed as 'sardines' on long tables, weren't they? see previous notes....oh and they also probably respond to 'pilchard'....

sardines in the somebody making a point here about number 9? if so, I appear to have missed it - apart from it being an eldest taschmann reference...'number 9 dream' etc etc....


let me see...the prague Rothschild team were described by Judith Elliot as "like gannets"...

Tomlinson was programmed as a soul-trapping 'killer whale'...
and the following? well they are reminding me of that BBC series SWARM...see previous notes: fact, it is all reminding me of a battle...has somebody decided to use a metaphor here....for a battle that is currently raging...against the 'sardine programmed'?

let me see...oh I think that I know what this is all about now...the above image of a shark....THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH....starring Jeremy norman....go figure:
....and look at those gannets's the freakiest there life on MARS?

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