Friday 20 March 2015

you see the figures never seem to add up, do they?

you have the BBC saying the following:

1.86 million unemployed...and I am 'one of that number' on benefits....

you then have THE GUARDIAN saying the following:

£590m and £ we can say MAXIMUS will be paid about £200 million pa.....
1.86 million people unemployed....a fraction of those people are disabled and on disability benefits....
....and MAXIMUS will be paid around £200 million pa, to target and 'screw into the ground' those on disability benefits - in order to chuck them off of their benefits...none of it makes sense to me...because the figures just don't add up, for a start off....
let me see...a ballpark figure....£2.6 million of those claiming incapacity benefits (before a subsection ESA was introduced)....well, let's do the maths 2.6 million into 200 million....goes:
"Some 2.6 million people were claiming incapacity benefit when ESA was introduced in 2008."
..which means that if the government didn't hire companies like ATOS and MAXIMUS...well having seen what 'incapacity benefits' tend to be like...let us say the average person takes home £100 pw....52 weeks pa.....that's just over £5,000 you see how much the government could save in terms of not hiring ATOS and MAXIMUS?
£5, 000 deducted from....£76,923.....
do you see why I am calling the whole thing a 'vendetta'....because UK government cannot be that 'stupid about money' can they?
what am I saying here? NOT hiring MAXIMUS...the UK government could save around £70,000pa on the average person's disability benefits....times £70,000 by 2.6 you see how it goes? how much could be saved but isn't being saved....because the UK government prefers to invite in a bunch of crooks - to screw the disabled, within this country....and that suggests an AUSCHWITZ mentality, to I repeat - who is really behind this so-called 'policy' and why? 
oh and I might add...the questions give you an idea of the 'sort of person' in relation to disability...that the UK government is trying to force back into work (unpaid - at a job centre near you, because there aren't any 'real jobs' available, for that sector of society, are there?)....anyway, here are a few of the questions to give you an idea:

the UK government is trying to throw 'the above type of person' off of their then make them 'work for roughly half of what they used to receive' in their local job centre...heaven knows what the ill cult 'nazi' elite expect these people to do as 'work'...but there you go....

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