Wednesday 25 February 2015

....having recovered my 'good humour' this morning...i was to remember the following:

i had communicated everything that i had wanted to those like the GAF....and the whole of British Intelligence - so many years ago now...the rest is all locked up...despite their 'low IQ operatives' using brain-scanning equipment for want of a better attempt to 'download and see' what is in my mind, at this point in time...ha ha ha....

all illusions - because everything that i had figured 'worthwhile' is locked up and 'not on view'... you see how the whole lot of them have treated me - and why i react in this way? all of them are quite happy to see me treated in 'this way' a 'mad woman on benefits' whilst they steal what they figure is the 'only bargaining power that i have left' and that it is apparently for 'free' - in relation to their 'super-advanced equipment'...nothing comes for free, you idiots...nothing at all.

even the 'crap'....i.e. the illusions...i might add that your equipment was was used against you....and you will all pay, in some way - and some of you will have very short lives, indeed.

...even those like gill...and he was a lot cleverer than farrell...wasn't that see, gill had relied upon 'heroin fixes and the increment' too much, during his young life...and during adult life too....i.e. the brain gets lazy....and it forgets how to 'really think'...i wasn't allowed the 'privilege' of being dosed up on heroin...or the 'increment' from an early age...and so i had to think hard, every step of the way...whilst keeping myself 'under the radar' order to survive... the top of the ill cult criminal pyramid..."is a load of dumb losers" replies MI5 ONLINE...."who rely upon a computer system to keep them there"...a computer system and frequency network - that has now been 'finely retuned' let us take them all out.

...and so i will not bother to talk anymore about BROKEN EMBRACES or 'NORTHERN LIGHTS' because there is no point, is there? i told BI everything that i was willing to tell them, a long time ago now...and as far as the 'general public' is concerned...those that bother to read my blog....well, it is unlikely that any of them read it because they 'understand' what i am talking is for 'entertainment purposes'....that is all...the original intention of those like mcdonald and SC in the CIA LAB....and that is where i am going to leave it...'as that'.

everything 'important' is locked up, until i get my money back.

secondly, if the general public really wants to know 'what they are allowed to know' - in relation to my blogs...well i might put up a few more notes, at a later date...but right now, i really cannot be bothered.

...the general public as in 'the uninitiated' into such circles of power - who read my blogs...well, they've got enough to cope with, by now - in terms of information...haven't they? because i have told the true story behind 911, upon my blogs....and the true story behind NASA and all of that 'space/cosmos mumbo jumbo'....surely that is enough for the 'average person's dinner plate'?

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