Monday 26 January 2015


...Let me see...which 'desk' was in operation, this morning?...that one above the 'perkins fox' rental? I was to see 'that man' in the CRUK shop again today..."one of daldry's mates" replies MI5 ONLINE...."trying to protect him"...from what? oh I see - well it is a little bit too late for that one - the cat was out of the bag, a long time ago, wasn't it? anyway, I take it that the new desk has martin gill's signature upon it...somebody is using his alias because I do not suppose that he will be visiting Clacton in the near future....

secondly I was to remember that it had been gill's day in the flat today...and this is what had happened so many years ago now...petrol nell was to turn up and 'punish' him...along the lines of "that is blasphemy...but we like you martin - and so we are not going to kill you"...what was she talking about? gill was to repeatedly tell her to "accept reality" because jade laing was dead...something that petrol nell was to refuse to believe...she was to retort "I do not accept reality because I live the dream"....go figure.

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