Sunday 4 January 2015


I watched 'Romanian holiday' yesterday to remember the production team 'going out there' to set a clue was this something around a 'repeat pattern' of what had happened in Sweden? I suppose that it must have been....'becky' was coded out as 'gill in disguise'...and yes he had walked into the village, in similar black hotpants etc...but with a joan Collin's wig on...and yes, he was a brilliant female impersonator...who could get the men at his feet, in a jiffy....anyway, whatever the operation all appeared to work...until gill got into a car and sped off....over the Ukrainian border...I have no idea whether or not 'a safe and valuables' were involved....all I know is this...fadia from the british council, in prague - circa 1994-6...the overall director's wife...well she could speak Russian...she had visited the Ukraine before (after peter smith had become the overall BC director there) and knew that the village 'just over the border' were of Russian descent, in the main...was gill hiding out there? well as far as I know he had been...but didn't stay that putin had instructed the locals not to tell fadia a thing...and so they didn' the eventuality...

so what happened to gill, after that one? I do not know but I would guess 'israel'...where else? if what the prague Rothschild team had told me - was accurate...that he had been born there...'sabra'...

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