Thursday 15 January 2015

MI5 ONLINE appear to know what this is all about:
"Hodgkin's disease"
...whilst I had been originally thinking about Inga and her cloned relation to various degrees of down's syndrome....
oh I my father had been programmed to 'exhibit the symptoms' of Hodgkin's disease...although he hasn't really got it...
"rather like the time when he exhibited tuberculosis symptoms when he hadn't got it" replies MI5 ONLINE....another 'mind over matter' horror then?
I remember now....Norwegian intelligence had got a grip on him...laughed at him for believing in the Hippocratic oath and then cursed him with the above....
in fact the curse was to extend to every single ethically-minded doctor who had taken the HIPPOCRATIC OATH...because you don't have to, you see...and quite a few of them don't....
Norwegian intelligence had been rubbing their hands with the thought of all of those doctors...including those working through the NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE...all developing Hodgkin's disease 'at the same time'...
let me relation to mother was to talk about her symptoms as 'fever/nightsweats' on the phone yesterday...and previously she had talked about 'itching' but some time ago now...of course, she would be picking it up too - wouldn't she? let us hope that they both resist the illusion, then...because it will be a very powerful one, upon the networks...
"Irish actor Richard Harris, who portrayed Albus Dumbledore...." is listed as one of the 'notable cases' upon wiki..."but had he really? that is the question, isn't it?" replies MI5 ONLINE.
naturally it is....knowing what we know now...the real circumstances, surrounding his death....this all gets more and more mysterious - who was Elizabeth rees-williams, for example?
"he was a bigamist" replies MI5 mean a bit like 'mr browne' in Solihull?

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