Thursday 1 January 2015

oh I remember now...this gets more and more bizarre...roz had intoned "I am the teacher and you are going into my pupil"...she was trying to absorb 'jemima' onto her make her use her predictive powers etc for roz's network....

let me see...jemima's real name had been AVRIL...she was to compose this illustration as a reminder of 'roz and ricci' at green tower:
additionally roz and turner had used this image upon the networks to make slaves 'quail' before them (even though turner had figured that it wasn't a brilliant idea):
...and getting back to that NASA far as I can remember roz had used this image as a hypnotic device/projection upon the networks "you are going into my pupil..."
first of all she had told avril "look into the lens of my camera" to then change her mind and state "look into my eyes..."

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